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Season not just for Christmas


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My family received a Happy Hanukkah card as a Christmas card. :idontknow: Did she send the Happy Hanukkah card as jab at me and my wife b/c we play up the joy and excitement of Christmas and celebrate the birth of Christ. Her message being that the season is not just for Christmas (i.e. Inclusion). Or she just ran out of cards and had to send something. 

If this person were Jewish, I might think nothing of this. However, this person was raised Catholic the same as my wife.  I just don't get it. Why do people get all riled up on such things? And got to go WAY out of their way, to the point on obnoxiousness, to make sure to pacify the minority that do not include themselves.  And to make sure to bring to the attention to EVERYONE that there are some people not included.  Why can't they understand that, for example, Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas not b/c Christians say NO you can't celebrate Christmas, but rather that they are...ah JEWISH.  Christians don't exclude anyone from celebrating Christmas. People that don't celebrate Christmas exclude themselves.

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20 minutes ago, vee said:

She's just being obnoxious.  Send her a Christmas , or other holy feast, card once a month for a year :evil:

Would love to, but she is my SIL.  Told my wife I am sending them a Happy Festivus card next year.

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4 hours ago, NadaTeTurbe said:

Tell her it's cultural appropriation and you're calling the tumblr police. 

Watch it, that's my trigger word.

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