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Aid to the persecuted Church


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A couple from the Holy Land (from Bethlehem, interestingly enough) were at my parish selling items they had had made for the benefit of persecuted Christians. As I serve as MC at the Mass, I didn't get a chance to buy anything from them as they had left by the time I was finished cleaning up the sanctuary and sacristy. Nevertheless, I want to donate some money to the persecuted Church (particularly that persecuted by the Muslims) or those aiding them this year in the names of family and friends as Christmas gifts. Alas, I'm not sure where to donate it.

Does anyone know what the best Catholic (or, failing that, Orthodox) places to donate to would be?

My many thanks.

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I second the "Aid to the Church in Need". Not only they help persecuted christian, they also help to keep the Church alive - building churches, helping religious communities, and the mass offering (you pay a poor priest to say mass for your loved ones). 


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