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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Rule of Life

Credo in Deum

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From my understanding a Rule should be specific. Attitudes are important but the idea here is to figure out specific ways to cultivate them. Its almost something measurable for us. 

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Interesting. I kind of do- I have goals and core things I always do for my spiritual life, physical health, diet, and so on. But I don't think I'm in a stage of life where I can keep a fixed rule, especially on that's by the hour. My life frequently changes around a lot, every time I move or start a new quarter I have to work things around differently. My work shifts are different each week and some days I have class, some days I don't. So I keep my practices flexible and don't have any issues getting everything done around my schedule. 

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I agree, I think flexibility is a key word that should be incorporated into anyone's view of life.

Ultimately though I am reminded of this quote from Juanito





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