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Inspiring words found on Facebook


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"What comes out of the life you have depends on what you decide to make of it. You can make it useful and you can make it useless. You can be selfless and and you can be selfish. You can pursue happiness and you can go after pleasure. You may want to listen or you may choose to be defiant. Whatever you decide to make of it is your choice. But never mess up your life and turn around to blame someone else or create inconveniences for people who were not a part of your unholy choices. One thing most people forget is that freedom goes with responsibility and accountability." -Fr. Justin Udomah

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Controlling, manipulating, and enslaving are very common human tendencies that we see everywhere. When people have something they know you really like or you want, they use it as a bait to control, manipulate, or enslave. Stand against being a victim to this tendency by not allowing anyone to think you cannot do without them or what they have to offer. When you don't allow somebody to think you want something so badly from him, he will not be psychologically primed to treat you as he likes. Bottomline, be ready to do without anything and no one will have the ground to control, manipulate, or enslave you. Thanks to everyone who do not use what they have as a tool for domination and meanness. Blessings and blessings upon you.---FR. Justin Udomah

"The meaning of the expression "advent" therefore includes that of visitatio, which simply and specifically means "visit"; in this case it is a question of a visit from God: he enters my life and wishes to speak to me. In our daily lives we all experience having little time for the Lord and also little time for ourselves. We end by being absorbed in "doing". Is it not true that activities often absorb us and that society with its multiple interes...ts monopolizes our attention? Is it not true that we devote a lot of time to entertainment and to various kinds of amusement? At times we get carried away. Advent, this powerful liturgical season that we are beginning, invites us to pause in silence to understand a presence. It is an invitation to understand that the individual events of the day are hints that God is giving us, signs of the attention he has for each one of us."---Pope Benedict XVI 

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"Do not be externally oriented in your life, going where you think people would love to see you go and doing what you feel they would want to see you do. That is for cheap and empty popularity seekers. Do not live artificial life trying to be who you are not for the sake of some meaningless gains. That is self-enslavement. Listen to your heart at all times and do what you are personally convinced to be your calling. Be internally motivated in what you do, not for gains and not to please people, but to express yourself at the deepest and most sincere level. May God's blessings decorate your sincere efforts in every way." ~Father Justin Udomah

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"When you tell somebody, I love you, know what you mean and mean what you say. When you say I care, make sure you truly care. It makes no sense telling somebody sweet words and making the person believe those words while you treat him or her like a lump of animal waste. Always speak from the heart and let your words come alive in action, in the way you treat the person you say you love and care for. Christmas is about true love. -- Father Justin Udomah"

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"It is easy to point fingers at others even when we are guilty of the same offense. It is easy to accuse other people of being intolerant, violent, greedy, selfish, or whatever even when we are doing the same thing. It is easy to condemn other people's bad behaviors while we do not want anyone to condemn ours. The problem is, many people suffer from hypermetropia - long sightedness. They see bad things that are happening in the distance but not those that are happening in their lives. And something is wrong only when it is against them or the pendulum is not swinging in their favor. This is the politics of life. Come Lord Jesus."-- Father Justin Udomah

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