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What Are Your Thoughts On This Meme?


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23 hours ago, Josh said:

Does Isis represent Islam? Does Trump represent Christianity?

I'm sure the leaders and members of the Islamic State believe they do in fact represent Islam.  And I wouldn't say their interpretations of the teachings of Mohammed are really any less valid than those of "moderate" peaceful Muslims.  As Islam is a false, man-made religion, I think it's pointless for Christians to argue about which varieties of Islam are or are not "true Islam."  "True Islam" is an oxymoron.  From its inception, Islam has been belligerent and far from peaceful, though the atrocities of modern radical varieties such as practiced by ISIS and similar groups take it to new levels of depravity.  And, no, most Muslims are not violent terrorists, though nobody claims they are.

But I seriously doubt the author of this stupid "meme" knows the first thing about the teachings of either Islam or Christianity - he's just spouting typical p.c. drivel.


And to my knowledge, Trump never claimed to "represent Christianity."  He's running for president, not Pope.  Neither did any of the other Republican candidates pictured.  While Trump hasn't exactly been a saint, neither have most nominal Christians.  I certainly don't think he's any worse a Christian than Obama or Hillary (whose picture, of course, is conspicuously absent from the montage of presiiential candidates).

And whatever you think of any of the GOP candidates (and I'm not fans of all of them), none of them has conducted anything like ISIS's reign of terror, mass-murder, and rape - so that comparison is also slanderous and ridiculous.

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It wasn't in Islamic societies where Nazism, nuclear warfare, racial segregationism, etc. took place. ISIS is literally a handful of people among more than a billion, and its atrocities are not unique to Muslims or even new. Muslims didn't bomb Dresden. Muslims didn't create Czarist autocracy. Muslims didn't systematically cover up predatory priests. The idea that Islam represents some unique evil in humanity is not only wrong, it's self-deluding. But whatever makes it easier for us to bomb them and carve up their countries so Donald Trump's hotel guests can eat their Continental Breakfast and enjoy how fabulous they are to be American and Christian...

Edited by Era Might
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