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Balanced St. JPII biography?


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I have been raised in a completely pre-VII only/anti-VII anything household & so I don't know a lot about St. Pope JPII to be honest here other than the bad things, & later going to a Catholic school everyone was always gushing over him. Any suggestions of biographies? But one that is balanced? Being a history major & still a traditional Catholic (but not rad trad), I just don't want a "fawning" super biased biography, & especially one that makes everything pre-VII sound like it was horrible. Does that make sense? He seems like he was a very good man, I just don't know a whole whole lot about him. I would really appreciate it!

Edited by ForeverLillian
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This one is pretty good and an easy read, and written by a faithful and traditional-minded Catholic. I'll pray for JPII's intercession for you as you learn more about him. 

Witness to Hope by George Weigel is a more heavy read and history-based, and the overall "classic" biography on him. 

Edited by veritasluxmea
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What is wrong with a little fawning? He is a saint. He is a person that the Catholic church has recognized as a model for other Christians to emulate.


Nothing's wrong with a little fawning. Good point, we do that with all other saints :P Hahaha! I'm not sure exactly how to describe what I meant by that, but of course praise is good. Thanks for the suggestion!


This one is pretty good and an easy read, and written by a faithful and traditional-minded Catholic. I'll pray for JPII's intercession for you as you learn more about him. 

Witness to Hope by George Weigel is a more heavy read and history-based, and the overall "classic" biography on him. 

I shall check both these out, both easy reads & heavy history-based is what I'm looking for, thanks! Also, thank you for praying for his intercession! I shall pray as well! :) 

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