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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Apartment Stuff +


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+ Hello all,

1. I got this job, and now I'm kind of freaking out. I have to sublet my apartment, but so far no one without giganticĀ dogs has called. I have to find a place in the new city and I can't get away from my current job until less than one month before I need to move in. I have to find movers who will move all my stuff for the amount that the new job is providing me to move, which isn't enough. If I don't sublet, or don't find an affordable new apartment, or don't find movers who can move me for the amount the company is giving me, I could go thousands of dollars into debt.

Right now this is all seeming very overwhelming and very impossible. Please pray that it all works out smoothly, with minimal loss of money and sanity.

2. Also, we have a fellow Phatmasser in need of prayer for her parent's estate to finally be settled. She is also struggling financially and really needs the money that would come from the settlement. If you could pray for her as well, that would be great!

3. Finally, another Phatmasser is in need of blessings on her job hunt. Prayers for her, too!

Thank you all! And God bless you!

In Him,


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