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What is the best recorded rosary? CD or MP3


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I'm all about my spritual life being "convenient". :)

So, the best time for me to pray the rosary is often in the car while driving. It's funny, but it's one of the only times where I have no distractions.

What is your favorite "pray along" rosary CD or MP3? The ones I have are either badly recorded or have cheesy background music, or a combination of those two things.

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Don't have one but would love it. I used to listen to the rosary on the Catholic radio station back in St. Pete. You could listen to that one and download it. It's right before the mass. 

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Don't have one but would love it. I used to listen to the rosary on the Catholic radio station back in St. Pete. You could listen to that one and download it. It's right before the mass. 

Spirit FM 90.5 will give you their Rosary CD.   Visit their website.   I used to have years ago. 

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I just bought this one and used it for the first time last night:







I like it because it also includes some Scripture.  It's also recited at a good Dominican pace, not like the Carmelites who draaaaaaaaag out the Rosary :P

<_< whatever, its supposed to be a prayer not an auction!  hailmaryfullofgracetheLordiswiththeeblessedareyouamongwomenandblessedisthefruitofthywombJesusholymarymotherofGodprayforussinnersnowandatthehourofdeath 


I pray the real Dominican style rosary anyway that starts with O God come to my assistance :saint:

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We had the mp3 of the rosary.  And it was pretty good.  I did enjoy it because it brought relaxing to me.  I didn't know how we have it.

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Tomás Patricio Izquierdo Kairúz

I have an app in my smartphone, downloaded from Google Play Store and is played by a spanish priest. Is wonderfull, has a lot of reflexions.

If you wanna I can share my app with you.

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