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Medication Side Effects


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Almost a month ago, I asked my psychiatrist to switch my medication, so that I don't have a particular side effect. Despite the switch, the side effect remains. Medlineplus confirms it. The only medication for my condition that hasn't given me this side effect is one that didn't help. I've followed the advice of my doctor to try to relieve this side effect, but none of it has worked. 

Through research, I found that my hot flashes might be explained by my current and previous medication as well. 

My next appointment is thursday morning. Considering what happened last time, I doubt that my psychiatrist will put me on something that won't have these side effects. My condition is depression. I'm already in counseling for it. Medicating it obviously hasn't been going so well. Other treatments for it are sunlight and exercise. I'm sometimes outside at work and I don't like the sun anyway. Getting me to consistently exercise is difficult. 

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