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An Old School Catholic Message Board

"The New American Catholic" video


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Found this NBC video on Orbis Catholicus and thought I'd share it here.  It's from 1968 and is about 50 minutes long.  I don't think I can embed it. 

It deals with a lot of issues that were relevant just after the council and which we're still dealing with.  If it needs to be transferred to the debate table, please do, but I hoped it would get more viewing on Open Mic.  

What really hit me was the language which was being used to describe various rationales for changes that were made.  They were very 'american' and very caught up in the social justice issues of the day. Language regarding democracy and 'authenticity' was also prevalent.  It seems to hit on all the controversial issues: liturgy, church governance, clerical celibacy, habits, etc.


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