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An Old School Catholic Message Board

"A New Language" for Communicating Church Teaching on Sexual Morality


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Our recent discussion about whether the term "disordered" is useful in conversations with non-believers about sexual morality came to mind again as I read this HPR article. Some quotes:

It’s essential to dissolve this confusion by reemphasizing the manifold meaning of personal love in a way that is both morally sound and reasonable. Perhaps, it is also possible to find a more suitable language, one that can resonate more powerfully in contemporary culture, in order to articulate the most fundamental truths about love and sexuality....

Unfortunately, the older vocabularies of natural law and intrinsic evil no longer seem to have broad intellectual resonance. But almost anyone can sympathize with the theme of personal dignity and how that dignity is compromised through sexual exploitation. No mature person wants to be “used” or objectified by someone else....

He proceeds to use Wojtyla's Love and Responsibility as an example of how we might reframe the conversation.

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