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Sacred Heart badges


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I discovered something called the Sacred Heart badge and I really like the idea. http://olrl.org/sacramental/sh_badge.shtml

I have one and it's plastic.. I read that originally people would wear them like a scapular sort of. I thought that was neat and I'd like to make some out of fabric and embroidered. However, my plastic one says "copyright (date) Apostleship of Prayer"... this is the organization that promotes them. I don't really get it - is it the badge itself that's copyright or the particular graphic design of this one? I sent them an email to ask if I could make some too but they haven't replied. Does anyone have any thoughts? thanks :)

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I'd assume the copyrighted part is the organization logo/graphic they use. I doubt it's a crime for you to make one yourself out of fabric/embroidery, especially if it's for personal use. You could try Nada's suggestion and get one on Etsy that is like a scapular already, or buy one somewhere else if you are worried. I have one like this that was given to me by a relative:


It's fabric (and one-sided, no Apostleship of Prayer on it) but I just keep it in my rosary case that I take with me everywhere. Generally the plastic ones have a hole at the top that you can feed string/chain through if so desired. You could do that too if you'd like! ;)

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Thanks everyone! :) another reason I'm asking is because the youth group at my parish is now interested in these too and I was thinking of making them not just for me but for people at my parish... Out of fabric though, so they could be worn more easily. That's why I emailed the organizatuin but they never got back to me... Now I'm not sure what to do.. The person in charge of the youth group wants to help me get the materials. Maybe I could phone the Apostleship of prayer lol :) 

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