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@Ice_nine Hell doesn't bother me. What bothers me is when Saints and Teachers of the Church say 5 year olds are there. That God sets up 8 and 12 year olds so after they commit "their first sin" they die and go to hell  for eternity. That Jesus stops forgiving after 10 sins. It's nonsense. I find it ridiculous Catholics believe this junk. Apologies for the Protestant threats but when I hear Saints and Authoritive people of the Church make such claims it causes a knee jerk reaction and has me honestly question Catholicism. Sorry don't know what to tell ya.

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 if this bothers you so much, then maybe you shouldn't dwell on it so much.  think of puppy dogs, flowers and butterflies instead. 

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You're funny. Sorry I'm not manly enough to think 5 year olds in hell is cool. Only if I could be a "true" Catholic like you. 

Maybe if I watch marathon sessions of the Vortex I can come around. Or anti Vatican 2 videos on YouTube. If only I could be a "real Catholic" like the select few.

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...or you can just pray about it instead of reacting with emotional knee jerk insults...prayer always calms me down


you know, I often think what the Jews thought when Jesus said, "eat my flesh and drink my blood."  that must have repulsed them out of their heads!  and I'm sure they thought, "this guy is nuts and anyone who follows him is brainwashed."  Then there were the other things Jesus said, like, "if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off."  things like that must have shocked a great deal of people.  Like Seven said up there, take this message from this saint as a warning that mortal sin is deadly and breaks you completely away from God.  And walk away from the video, does it even have an imprimatur?  who created this thing?  why dwell on it?  


iono, just trying to help...






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The key issue seems (to me at least) to be the age of reason, which I think it's perfectly reasonable to disagree about, notwithstanding a mention in Canon Law.  What you seem to be emphasizing is the fact that it's a little child - and by your inference, someone who is not of the age of reason or able to be responsible for their own actions - who is experiencing judgement and that doesn't add up, obviously.  Whatever else, God will not hold anyone responsible who is not capable of being responsible.

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You're right it is what it is. The Church used to say infants went to hell. Saints said that only a few are saved and the few will watch the majority in hell and even rejoice at their agony. Thankful I can come to know my Creator through a personal relationship and get to know Him intimately and not have to rely solely on what others say about Him. When I hear an authoritive person of the Church say 5 year olds are in hell I can have confidence to know this isn't the case. That infants aren't in hell. That God really does love humanity and didn't die the death He did so a few of the best Catholics of all time could make it to Heaven and everyone else could burn for eternity in hell. Including 5 year olds.

I can know that The Gospel is Good News and not how 99 % of humanity burns forever in hell. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mary. Thank you Father. Thank You Holy Spirit.

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"wow" lol love how this get turned around on me like I'm the one saying 5 year olds are damned to hell for eternity. That God kills an 8 and 12 year old right after their "first sin" before they can confess and they burn in hell for eternity. Nah that doesn't get a "wow" but me objecting to it does. lol Hilarious. Have a good one. 

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Credo in Deum

"wow" lol love how this get turned around on me like I'm the one saying 5 year olds are damned to hell for eternity. That God kills an 8 and 12 year old right after their "first sin" before they can confess and they burn in hell for eternity. Nah that doesn't get a "wow" but me objecting to it does. lol Hilarious. Have a good one. 

You are clearly way too emotional and incapable of having a rational conversation about this subject. You have also failed to show how the sermon in the video is incompatible with the Catholic Faith and the Justice of God.  All we have heard from you thus far is your emotional ramblings about a God you claim is being portrayed in the sermon vs. what is actually being said, and a God of your own making who apparently is obligated to forgive at least one mortal sin or more, depending on your level of presumption. 

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You are clearly way too emotional and incapable of having a rational conversation about this subject. You have also failed to show how the sermon in the video is incompatible with the Catholic Faith and the Justice of God.  All we have heard from you thus far is your emotional ramblings about a God you claim is being portrayed in the sermon vs. what is actually being said, and a God of your own making who apparently is obligated to forgive at least one mortal sin or more, depending on your level of presumption. 

Rational to you is 5 year olds grinding their teeth for all of eternity in hell then calling it "God's Justice". That's the Good News of the Gospel to you. I'm glad Jesus has shown me this isn't who He is. Or I would of became an atheist a long time ago.

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I did not read the whole thread, but even when they're approved, catholic are not bound to believe in private revelation and apparition. 

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Credo in Deum

Rational to you is 5 year olds grinding their teeth for all of eternity in hell then calling it "God's Justice". That's the Good News of the Gospel to you. I'm glad Jesus has shown me this isn't who He is. Or I would of became an atheist a long time ago.

The good news of the Gospel to me is a God whom I should neither sin against His mercy by despairing, nor sin against His Justice by presumption.  Presumption is what the sermon is addressing, and why we should never commit this sin.  The belief that God is obligated to forgive serious mortal sins, whether they be 1-infinite, is presumption.  Forgiveness is a gift, and God is not obligated to extend this gift, especially if we reject it by being unrepentant.  No healthy relationship has ever worked on presumption.  No one would ever expect someone they love to have to put up with an unlimited number of grevious offenses especially when the person committing them isn't sorry.  That type of relationship is abusive and unjust, but yet you apply it towards God and then accuse Him of being unjust and uncharitable if He won't be treated like a doormat?! 

It's scary when a sermon by a saint who is a Doctor of the Church is no longer met with our consideration but rather with accusations of the material as being misguided, ignorant, nonsense, and brainwashing.  A true indication of the times we live in when Catholic's are scandalized by a sermon with sound Catholic material.  That should be what makes us pause and reflect.  

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Blah Blah Blah I'm objecting against 5 year olds in hell tortured for all of eternity. I'm objecting the idea of God where He allows an 8 year old to commit her "first sin" then suddenly die and be tortured for eternity in hell. I'm objecting the idea that God doesn't forgive me anymore after 5 sins. I'm allowed to object horrible and toxic ideas. God gave me a brain for a reason. 

but yet you apply it towards God and then accuse Him of being unjust and uncharitable if He won't be treated like a doormat?! 


You're to much. Me doubting the notion God allows 5 year olds to be tortured in hell for eternity is a work of the Holy Spirit. I deserve a pat on the back. Go ahead and keep believing 5 year olds are abusing God and He has just become a doormat to these evil little kids. Catholics are amesome. Just got done reading a bunch of Facebook post attacking the Pope as usual and some lunatic going on about how aborted babies have no hope of being with God. I love hope. It's so prevalent among the best Catholics of all time.

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Credo in Deum

Blah Blah Blah I'm objecting against 5 year olds in hell tortured for all of eternity. I'm objecting the idea of God where He allows an 8 year old to commit her "first sin" then suddenly die and be tortured for eternity in hell. I'm objecting the idea that God doesn't forgive me anymore after 5 sins. I'm allowed to object horrible and toxic ideas. God gave me a brain for a reason. 

Yes, God did give you a brain for a reason, so may know Him. Yet you seem to close your brain off when it comes time to know a God who's ways are not your ways and who's thoughts are not your thoughts.  You should get that checked.  You object to a 5 year old in hell but you have faild to produce a coherent objection to the revelation other than your emotional ramblings which seem to amount to the view that you believe people who commit mortal sin should get free pass simply because of their age, and that you think we are owed God's forgiveness. 

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