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Credo in Deum

It's ridiculous. I'm 34 years old. I have to be honest and say this is ridiculous. I see these Catholics on Facebook going on and on how water in the face is torture and we can't accept it even for terrorist. It's never permissible. The Catholic Church is 100 percent against that. Ok cool. I'm with it. But an 8 year girl is tortured in hell for all of eternity where the pain and grinding of teeth will NEVER stop. Because that's God's final grace to the girl. Because she took his name in vain once and now we all get to see how serious sin is. O and God is love.

So you don't believe one mortal sin can send us to hell?

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It's just ridiculous. I'm 34 years old. I have to be honest and say this is ridiculous. I see these Catholics on Facebook going on and on how water in the face is torture and we can't accept it. It's never permissible. The Catholic Church is 100 percent against that. Ok cool. I'm with it. But an 8 year girl is tortured in hell for all of eternity where the pain and grinding of teeth will NEVER stop. Because that's God's final grace to the girl. Because she took his name in vain once and now we all get to see how serious sin is. O and God is love.

Josh, do you deserve to go to heaven? Does anybody deserve to go to heaven?

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What is the actual quote and who is the actual Saint in question Josh? Before you continue to talk trash I'd like you to provide these things.

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Credo in Deum

Josh, do you deserve to go to heaven? Does anybody deserve to go to heaven?

You didn't hear?  Everyone is going to heaven. 

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This is hilarious. Now I'm "talking trash" So I'm just supposed to be cool with 8 year old girls being burned forever in hell because of one mortal sin. Again Jesus said let the children come to me....Well except the 8 year old girls who took my name in vain once in the 2nd grade. They get to burn in hell forever and ever.

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This is hilarious. Now I'm "talking trash" So I'm just supposed to be cool with 8 year old girls being burned forever in hell because of one mortal sin. Again Jesus said let the children come to me....Well except the 8 year old girls who took my name in vain once in the 2nd grade. They get to burn in hell forever and ever.

Yes you're talking pure trash, now where's the actual quote and the Saint that said it? Or are you really gone to sit there and go solely on some one on the internet said x?

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I'm not talking "Pure Trash". At least not about God. Jesus said let the children come to me. Not let them come to me so I can reject them and send them to burn forever in hell. The only "trash" I'm talking is to the brainwashed person who wrote this on Catholic answers and actually believes it and defends it adamantly. 

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I'm not talking "Pure Trash". At least not about God. Jesus said let the children come to me. Not let them come to me so I can reject them and send them to burn forever in hell. The only "trash" I'm talking is to the brainwashed person wrote this on Catholic answers and actually believes it and defends it adamantly. 

Nope, trash talk, and you don't even have an actual quote, you don't have an actual person. You have gossip, classic case of I heard so and so say this or that.

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Credo in Deum

What is the actual quote and who is the actual Saint in question Josh? Before you continue to talk trash I'd like you to provide these things.

The vision is mentioned in a sermon by St. Alphonsus who attributes the vision to St. Gregory.  The child is actually said to be 5 years of age in the sermon.




I'm not talking "Pure Trash". At least not about God. Jesus said let the children come to me. Not let them come to me so I can reject them and send them to burn forever in hell. The only "trash" I'm talking is to the brainwashed person who wrote this on Catholic answers and actually believes it and defends it adamantly. 

The soul that commits a mortal sin rejects God, so Jesus isn't saying come to me so I can reject you.  He says come to me, but the soul says no and rejects Him by committing a mortal sin.

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O five years old wonderful lol

Great video. So now God is going to stop forgiving after so many sins also. I might actually have to look into becoming Protestant. 

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Do you believe what the Church teaches about mortal sin?

[   ] - Yes

[   ] - No

[   ] - I don't know what the teaching is

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