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Just read this on Catholic Answers. The poster writes in a thread dealing with mortal sin  "There was a saint who was allowed in visions to travel to hell and she was allowed to question some of the people there. The youngest person she discovered in hell was eight years of age at her death. A little girl. She had committed only one mortal sin before her death. She had taken God's name in vain.

God does not mess around with sin. All the commandments are commandments. They are not suggestions. The same gravity is applied to the teachings of the Catholic Church they are like commandments to us. God takes them that seriously. So should we.

The weak will fail because they did not recognize that strength comes from the grace of God alone. This grace we need for strength begins in the sacraments."        I would rather be an atheist before I believed this about God. That he's gonna allow a 8 year old GIRL to be tormented in hell for all of eternity because of one "mortal sin". How does an 8 year old even committ a mortal sin? When I read or hear this kind of stuff my first reaction is actual anger. Innitially at the person who is saying it. But then I catch myself and realize the person is for a lack of a better word brainwashed. Or if they are truly right then God isn't love. I will go with the first option though and choose brainwashed. It's amazing how many people thirst for legalistic and harsh judgement rather then forgiveness and mercy. I believe in hell and how awful it is but I bet the farm there are not 8 year old girls there who committed "only one mortal sin." And if there are well.....


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Credo in Deum

If this person is quoting from an approved vision then they are not brainwashed.  Secondly this, "if God doesn't believe what I believe, or act how I would act, then He is not a truly loving God blah blah blah" bit is getting super annoying.  Lastly it is a doctrine of the Church that even just one, YES ONE, mortal sin suffices to beaver dam a soul for all eternity in Hell.  Get with the program, Josh! 

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Credo in Deum

So you're fine with 8 year old girls suffering for eternity in hell? The sound of that doesn't give you any pause?

I don't want anyone in hell, regardless of the age.  Secondly it does give me pause.  It makes me think of the seriousness of sin.

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Visions are not necessary. You'll notice that they tend to be pretty wrathful. If an 8 year old died in mortal sin than yes according to our doctrine she would be in hell, but from what we understand of child development, it's pretty challenging for an 8 year to actually commit a mortal sin. Children oftentimes "sin" because they are imitating bad adults and don't really know better, or their brains are not formed enough to truly be choosing to be bad. Remember that to be mortal it has to be a free conscious fully informed CHOICE, not an impulse. Many of these visions come from a time before we understood as well the human brain. 

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Luckily there aren't 8 year olds or babies in hell. Though there are a lot of brainwashed religious people spouting nonsense and ignorance.

I agree Josh, personally I don't think we would find any children in hell, and there is even reason to hope it is entirely empty (besides the devil). 

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Credo in Deum

Luckily there aren't 8 year olds or babies in hell. Though there are a lot of brainwashed religious people spouting nonsense and ignorance.

If there was an 8 year old that committed a mortal sin and died unrepentant, then that 8 year old is in hell and the person who saw them there is neither brainwashed, ignorant, or spouting nonsense. 


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Purgatory can be long and horrible. No reason a loving God can't deal with a ton of souls that way. Especially all the horrible 8 year olds. It's like Jesus never said let the children come to me. Nope he's sending a bunch of them to hell because they committed "1 mortal sin" That will show everyone !

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Credo in Deum

Purgatory can be long and horrible. No reason a loving God can't deal with a ton of souls that way. Especially all the horrible 8 year olds. It's like Jesus never said let the children come to me. Nope he's sending a bunch of them to hell because they committed "1 mortal sin" That will show everyone !

So you believe one mortal sin will not beaver dam a soul for eternity?

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I think people generally underestimate a child's capacity to do evil. By the time I was 6, I was setting out elaborate plans to manipulate adults, and executing them successfully. I don't mean manipulating people to get a cupcake, I mean manipulating people emotionally. I know of 8 year olds who are convicted of rape, murder, and animal abuse. They are smarter than you think and are capable of real good and real evil.

That being said, I don't believe using the Lord's name in vain typically meets the conditions for mortal sin, for anybody. 

Using it to blaspheme - to on purpose show contempt towards God, mock holy things, etc. -  OK. But rarely does anybody use the Lord's name in vain with that purpose in mind. Let alone children. 

It is possible, though .... 


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It's ridiculous. I'm 34 years old. I have to be honest and say this is ridiculous. I see these Catholics on Facebook going on and on how water in the face is torture and we can't accept it even for terrorist. It's never permissible. Torture is never ok. The Catholic Church is 100 percent against that. Ok cool. I'm with it. But an 8 year girl is tortured in hell for all of eternity where the pain and grinding of teeth will NEVER stop. That's God's final grace to the girl. Because she took his name in vain once and now we all get to see how serious sin is. God is love.

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Indeed. Therefore if one wants to claim that a child who has completed her seventh year has not attained the use of reason, then the burden of proof is on that person to show otherwise.

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