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Saints to Know

Archaeology cat

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Archaeology cat

Today in his homily, our Deacon was talking about how we should all get to know the Saints better. He mentioned our patrons, be it the Saint for our name, our occupation, or whatever. I wasn't named for a Saint, but I look to St Monica and St Helena (patroness of archaeologists). He also mentioned how we should get to know a Saint we don't especially like. I've done that a few times, and have ended up really liking the Saint (Padre Pio and St Therese). 

I know Red always draws a Saint for the year for those who want one starting in Advent, and I'm ashamed to say I've forgotten who she chose for me. I'll have to be better about that this year. 

Do you have any Saint you're especially drawn to? Or one you didn't like but now do? I'd love to hear about it!

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Saint I'm drawn to : So many ? Nop, seriously... Ste Germaine de Pibrac. She was "nothing". There's no school of spirituality from her. She's little. She was beaten by her parents, forgotten by everyone, and she's the patron saint of abused children. But she's "my" saint. I know that when I pray her, she helps me. I was abused,and not able to fight back, like Ste Germaine. I know she knows what I feel. 
Sainte Bernadette de Soubirous. A little like Ste Germaine, she was a humble girl from my region, and it's enough for me to love her. 
There's also Judith from the Bible. Not really a Saint, but she was amazing. 
Saint Vincent de Paul for his generosity, and Saint Alberto Hurtado as well. 
Saint John XXIII, because I'm a child of the council, and I love eucumenism, the OF, modern way to live apostolic life, etc... 

One that I didn't like but now I do : Ste Thérèse de Lisieux. I began by reading her autobiography, and it was "too much" for me. I'm reading a biography of her, now, and I like it. 
St Ignace of Loyola, because now I love jesuits 

One that I respect and understand, but I'm not drawn at all : St Francis de Assisi. I like self-sufficiency too much. I can admire him, but I will never be a franciscan. 


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Archaelogy Cat : 

In english : 
I did a post once : http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/topic/137671-who-is-ste-germaine-of-pibrac-and-why-she-is-amazing/ 
http://www.bobandpennylord.com/saint-germaine.htm (it looks like they wrote a book) 

Not a lot of things have been written on her, she's a "little" saint, and her devotions suffered of the disparation of popular devotion in the last decades (she's still popular among the gypsies). However, many people pray to her, and she listen. She's great when it comes to disability, children, etc... Don't hesitate to ask for her intercession. 

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St. Luigi Orione, he was an Italian priest, student of Don Bosco, and worked in South America, sort of an Apostle of charity. 

"Only charity will save the world."

"It is not among the palm trees that I wish to die, but among the poor who are Jesus Christ."

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Archaeology cat

That reminds me. Don Bosco is the patron of our homeschool. I should have the kids learn more about him. 

The Martins (Louis & Zélie) have become family patrons of ours, really. We first sought  their intercession for Leo, then for Kieran, and now my daughter bears the name of Zélie for her second name. 

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