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Saving species


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There was an article in the Edmonton Journal about saving species.


Basically, scientists are wondering now if we are going to have to start triaging which endangered species we can save, and which we should allow to go extinct. This is partly due to funding, always an issue, but also due to the new fight against zoos and things like climate change. It's not all man's fault though. Growing up the OKC Zoo had a captive breeding program for cheetahs. Their issue was lack of genetic diversity. They apparently got down to a very small population about the same time humans almost died out 70,000 years ago. 

Lots of people want zoos closed, so that would extinct some animals. Then there are animals dying out that even the scientists can't figure out what's causing it. What do you guys think?  Should we just let everything go extinct that can't adapt, or should we pick and choose which ones to save as finances allow?

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Archaeology cat

Good questions, and I don't know enough about all the issues to have good answers. I think zoos can be positive things for the endangered species, done properly. Thankfully more zoos are providing environments more like the natural environments for the animals, which I think is important. And of course having animals perform for entertainment I have issues with, though that's more prevalent in theme parks like SeaWorld than at a normal zoo. 


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Usually if the general population had their way it would be the "cuter" or "fluffier" species that would have conservation efforts directed at them, simply because they are more appealing. It's probably better to save a species of plant or animal that is the basis of many food chains, or one that could hold the answer to curing certain diseases such as certain types of endangered frogs than spending any more money trying to save the panda, which is probably one of the least adaptable animals on Earth anyways.

As for cats, I think they're doing very well and are far from being on the endangered list, with their enslavement of humanity and all...  

Edited by xSilverPhinx
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It would be a pity if crocodiles were to perish, as they're living fossils. Sharks too, they have been around for millions of years.


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We need to save all species that are not cats. Everything in the cat family should be allowed to go extinct.

in fact, domestic cats are responsible for the extinction, or nearly extinction, of many birds (and we all agree that bird are amazing). So, yes, we need less cats. Save the birds, don't buy a cat. 

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