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A change of direction for phatmass. Please read.


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I want to start using phatmass as it was originally intended.

  • Grow closer to God
  • Become more holy
  • Promote Catholicism
  • Defend Catholicism
  • Glorify His Church

If you do not feel like you are compatible with these goals, please leave. I love you, and you don't have to go home, but you have to get out of here.

With that said, I don't think these goals are incompatible with non-Catholics. Quite the contrary. I think a healthy mix of people that reflect all walks of life are good for a community--especially one that tries to reflect the real world we live in.

What I do not think is good for a community is people who are theoretically supposed to be in agreement, but continually contradict these goals. If you consistently find yourself arguing with me in terms of what's best for the Church, then we obviously don't agree with how to best achieve the above goals, and maybe it's best for us to part ways.

In the end, I would much rather come here every day and hang out with a small community that gets along and supports each other, than a large community that never gets along.

That's what I have to say.

tl;dr - I'm having a virtual house party but am only gonna invite the chill people to stay. Be cool and kick it with me. Haters not invited.

Edited by dUSt
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what does that mean? Are you going to be banning people, moving or deleting threads, changing tags, or putting different content up? I agree with your op but you could say all that and things could continue to be the same as they've been and it wouldn't directly contradict your goals. Or are you just posting to make your goals more clear? 

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what does that mean? Are you going to be banning people, moving or deleting threads, changing tags, or putting different content up? I agree with your op but you could say all that and things could continue to be the same as they've been and it wouldn't directly contradict your goals. Or are you just posting to make your goals more clear? 

It means all of the above. I think I've been asking the wrong question for the past few years. I've always asked, "how can I make phatmass better for you" and "why do you no longer visit phatmass".

What I should be asking is, "how can I make phatmass better for me" and "why do I no longer like visiting phatmass". Maybe if I turn phatmass back into a place that I enjoy that reflects my idea of a fun place to hang out, then other people will think so too--at least the people who matter (the ones that uplift me and make me a better Catholic and servant of God).

Edited by dUSt
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I want to start using phatmass as it was originally intended.

  • Grow closer to God
  • Become more holy
  • Promote Catholicism
  • Defend Catholicism
  • Glorify His Church


These sound like excellent goals to me.

I've been thinking today about how the fruits of the Holy Spirit make a wonderful guide for Catholic behavior on the Internet. Perhaps they're worth posting here for Phatmassers to think/pray about, since your goals seem to be aiming for these virtues: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. :)

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These sound like excellent goals to me.

I've been thinking today about how the fruits of the Holy Spirit make a wonderful guide for Catholic behavior on the Internet. Perhaps they're worth posting here for Phatmassers to think/pray about, since your goals seem to be aiming for these virtues: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. :)

Love it. You're in.

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My intention (and those of the Priest whose sermons I post) is to further the Glory of God and nurture the faithful by developing the spiritual content of authentic Catholicism.

But......................where has Transmundane Lane gone?

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My intention (and those of the Priest whose sermons I post) is to further the Glory of God and nurture the faithful by developing the spiritual content of authentic Catholicism.

But......................where has Transmundane Lane gone?

It wasn't getting any traffic so I moved all the posts to Open Mic and closed it.

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So what's the next step? We vote to ban all members who don't fulfill  the new requirements?

No voting, I will just ban you outright.

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