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Still Undiagnosed


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My bloodwork came back normal. I don't know why I'm having hot flashes at 26, multiple headaches a week, and increased hunger. My doctor is having me take black cohosh and a vitamin c supplement for my hot flashes. Taking pain reliever doesn't help my headaches and I've been gaining weight.  

I live with my parents and my mom insists that I need to stop seeking help from any doctor. She says that I just have to accept my hot flashes and to just focus on nutrition for the other problems. 

She says that sometimes there's no reason why we have health problems. I don't believe her though. Either the doctor doesn't know yet or scientists are researching the answers. 

I'm on medicaid, so I don't know when I'd even be able to switch doctors if it came to that. I tried to get into an endocrinology clinic, but was told that they can't legally see me without a doctor's referral. 

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