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Un-banned: Cam42, Apotheoun, Budge and Phazzan


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ok - you lost me.   Please explain.

I distinctly said "to bumb" And, as we all know, "to bumb" means "to bump," ... in Florinese

what DS said. 

Go Mets

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I think max wants u to bump old cam threads.  I thought they were all deleted lol.  

I could get banned for that!

Veno retro satanes!!

I distinctly said "to bumb" And, as we all know, "to bumb" means "to bump," ... in Florinese

what DS said. 

Go Mets


you lost me again...

maybe i'm too old for these games...

Edited by Didacus
I wanted to edit my post
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Gee thanks. Now there are two people who I thought were my friends (you and Nihil) who don't give a croutons how I feel. At least now I know.


Iggy, I love you but the above is emotionally manipulative.

I get emotionally manipulative when I am worried or scared. I think you are really worried or scarred that Cam will come back. As someone who has never been afraid of anyone on the internet, this worry seems bizarre to me. But I have no doubt it is real to you. 

5 years is a longtime to be afraid of something like that, though. I think you can trust that whether Cam comes back or not, Dust will keep this a safe place for you.

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Knight had a good point about not talking negatively about people who are not here... I mean no one would like that to be done to them :) 

However I just wanted to say that I don't think its weird that Iggy had a struggle because of something online. I also don't think that comments like "get over it" are helpful here. When a person is already struggling with something else, insensitive/unkind words even online can affect them.

I never knew Cam or don't remember, - i don't know how much his posts would have bothered me because I'm a trad too but I also don't know his views or how he expressed them. Sometimes I haven't expressed myself well either. I think at times a person might get overwhelmed at the amount of things wrong out there and that can make them sound upset or even angry. Maybe that's what happened with Cam - I can't know. I used to read a lot about stuff going on in the church etc until with the help of my priest, I realised it would help me more to just concentrate on prayer and my spiritual life. As many of us know I'm sure having more traditional views today can feel lonely. I don't know Cam's views but just an idea. :) wherever he is he is a brother in Christ and I don't want him to feel so disliked if he ever reads this thread. We all have different struggles. So does Iggy who has a legitimate concern and if Cam you are reading this, I hope it would be something you'd consider.

Words online can have an effect whether our views are right or not. Some are not affected but if you have another struggle, it can be harder. Ive probably hurt people online too - i am sorry if i have. Anyway though no one has been 'mean' to me, sometimes just because of other things going on, i have been realy upset on the phorum. Since this has been happening for a while i decided it might not be time for me to be here. its not others' fault. So i think what Iggy said makes sense, though i hope it wouldnt get so bad youd want to leave :) I just came to say this because though I don't know Iggy's struggles, I believe the intenet can affect you especially if you hoped it would be a "safe" place. Its not something you can just switch off because it acts like a trigger to other things you are going through. 

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Thank-you to those of you who posted kind and understanding things. I apologize to Nihil and DS because they are dear to me and I was emotionally manipulative as Lilli pointed out. Yes, I am very scared that Cam will come back. And note to St. of Virtue: It wasn't one post, it was lots and lots of  posts. (I only mentioned one post as an example.) And, the full extent of things Cam said can't be captured in old posts because, at the time, Chat was very active, and many of the conversations with Cam took place in Chat and are lost.

Nihil--I know it might seem strange that one user could scar your experience online, but it can happen. Yes, it was four or five years ago, but unfortunately I have been blessed/cursed with a very good memory at times. (I score off the charts in certain IQ/memory tests--although for certain other things my memory smells of elderberries.) Also, remember that in the last five years your life has changed radically--mine has not. Just as I was five years ago, I am still spending most of my time lying on my couch, too tired to do more than is absolutely necessary to survive--eat, sleep, go to the doctor. I am very isolated and very alone, mostly because I am too tired to socialize, or even go to Mass. Cam also reminded me of some of the bad parts of who I used to be, and who I am trying every day not to be now, that is--rigid, judgemental, controlling. As I said before, I didn't and don't hate Cam. I don't believe he was acting out of bad intentions or deliberately trying to hurt people. I'm pretty sure he didn't realize that he was making people feel judged.

As Vee pointed out, I am fighting physical illness and physical pain every day and many days it is very hard to keep my spirits up. One way I protect myself is to avoid or remove myself from people who hurt me. If I were strong emotionally, I wouldn't need to do this. But, I'm not. So, in the case of Cam, I had to take a hiatus from Phatmass because it was no longer a positive place for me. I haven't taken a hiatus from Phatmass in awhile now, and I'd prefer not to again.

If Cam comes back, I'll give him a chance, and see what happens. Phatmass is not the same today as it was five years ago.

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FYI--Quite a while back, soon after I joined Phatmass, Budge's mother posted that after causing problems, Budge was no longer allowed to use the Internet, and apologized for Budge's behavior on Phatmass. As far as I know, we never saw Budge after that.


Wait a second, how old is Budge?  Is she still in grade or high school?  I always pictured her as someone in her 50s or 60s with a beehive hairdo...


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Wait a second, how old is Budge?  Is she still in grade or high school?  I always pictured her as someone in her 50s or 60s with a beehive hairdo...


I found records of her posting way back in the day, like 2006. She joined in 2004. I'd place her around her mid-early twenties today. 22, maybe 25. Possibly late twenties. She's probably graduated/close to graduating college. Maybe in graduate school. Has a job. Maybe even married. Who knows. I can tell she's older than I am by at least a solid five years. 

Raphael seems like a nice guy. What happened to him? 

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