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An analysis of drama based on one thread.


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Somebody told me to read this thread to get an idea of what is going on:

I read the entire thread (which makes me not want to visit phatmass anymore). Here's my analysis of things that ruined my day:

  • Gabriela thinks Didacus is rude and inconsiderate
  • Nunsense thinks Ice Nine is harsh
  • Nunsense thinks Anomaly is incredibly offensive and arrogant
  • Anomaly thinks Nunsense is angsty
  • Ice nine thinks Didacus is jerky
  • Gabriela thinks Nunsense is passive-aggressive and stubborn
  • Nunsense thinks Anomaly is insulting
  • Nunsense thinks Gabriela is passive-aggressive back
  • Gabriela thinks nunsense has a victim complex
  • Nunsense thinks Gabriela should get a life
  • Basilica Marie thinks nunsense is sensitive
  • Gabriela thinks nunsense is insensitive
  • veritasluxmea thinks nunsense is hard

I'd like to end with this.


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What's the survey for? Are we going to have another purge? 

No, the anonymous pop-up survey is hopefully just going to allow me to get a general idea of who, if anybody, stands out,  as far as making the phorum an inhospitable place. I hope to use it to start the counter-purge.

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I don't think purging is necessary.  Phatmass is like a huge family, and like all families, there is drama and fights and what not...

We are a multitude of different personalities and of course, we are gonna clash big time...

I think we should be able to disagree, share our opinions without being shut down... and of course, the moderation should be if any of us gets out of line and uncivil, we'll get warnings,  but outright banning people for all eternity?  I think there should be one rule about that, such as, sinning against the Holy Spirit will get you banned for eternity... lol

It would be nice to re-instate all the people that have been banned from this site.  Maybe give them all a chance to show how they 've matured since the last time they posted here...at the same time, it would liven things up a bit...we can always put people on ignore if we can't stand their personalities and the things they post on here...

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Well, I don't think anyone would ever call me passive-aggressive. I'm pretty sure she just called me straight up aggressive.

At any rate, I once again applaud your data-based approach here. I'm only sorry it ruined your day.

Might I suggest that you also create a pop-up survey for the people who keep the most people coming back? I think you'll probably find that some of the people who show up on the first survey also show up on the second. That would give you a better idea of who annoys everyone, versus who annoys only some.

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Well, I don't think anyone would ever call me passive-aggressive. I'm pretty sure she just called me straight up aggressive.

At any rate, I once again applaud your data-based approach here. I'm only sorry it ruined your day.

Might I suggest that you also create a pop-up survey for the people who keep the most people coming back? I think you'll probably find that some of the people who show up on the first survey also show up on the second. That would give you a better idea of who annoys everyone, versus who annoys only some.

I guess a survey of people who keep the most people coming back COULD be helpful if it contains the same names as the survey of which users stop people coming back. But, at least in my case, asking me for three names of people who keep me coming back (versus those who annoy me) will produce much less accurate results.

Off the top of my head, I can think of 10 or more people who keep me coming back to Phatmass--for me to pick three would be very random.

It's a little easier for me to pick three people who are annoying or who keep me from enjoying Phatmass. Like Nihil, I don't like picking out names except in the context of a specific situation. But, at least here I can start with my "Ignore" list. Even then, my list of three people who keep from enjoying Phatmass the most will not be very accurate, because I suspect there are other people who would annoy me a lot if I ever saw their posts. But since I almost always completely skip the Debate Forum and Transmundane Lane Forums, if there is someone who posts only in those phorums and not say, in Open Mic, I hardly know they exist.

However, if picking out three people who keep me from enjoying Phatmass--or who actually hurt my Phatmass experience--will help dUSt, I'll give it a try.

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I don't think purging is necessary.  Phatmass is like a huge family, and like all families, there is drama and fights and what not...

We are a multitude of different personalities and of course, we are gonna clash big time...

I think we should be able to disagree, share our opinions without being shut down... and of course, the moderation should be if any of us gets out of line and uncivil, we'll get warnings,  but outright banning people for all eternity? 

Sounds like what someone who is about to be purged would say.

I think I'm also going to turn off the "ignore" feature because you can't ignore people in real life.

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Sounds like what someone who is about to be purged would say.

I think I'm also going to turn off the "ignore" feature because you can't ignore people in real life.

Please don't turn off the "Ignore" feature. In real life you CAN ignore people to some extent. What the "ignore" feature allows me to do is to make a conscious decision whether or not to read a certain person's posts--their posts don't show up automatically. That way, if I choose to read a post from an user on "Ignore," I can say to myself, "Okay, you know this person sometimes bugs you a lot. Read at your own risk."

The ignore feature still doesn't let you ignore a person completely. Often, the posts of a person I've ignored are quoted in someone else's posts.

The ignore feature is very useful in making Phatmass a more pleasant experience. PLEASE keep it. Thanks for listening.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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I mean Crosscut and I have fought, but I wouldn't want her and her fake-moderator self to go...


This is how to make the conversation like ever other PM conversation..

Somebody told me to read this thread to get an idea of what is going on:


  • Gabriela thinks Didacus is rude and inconsiderate
  • Nunsense thinks Ice Nine is harsh
  • FP inserts how important he is
  • Nunsense thinks Anomaly is incredibly offensive and arrogant
  • Anomaly thinks Nunsense is angsty
  • Ice nine thinks Didacus is jerky
  • FP reiterates how important he is
  • Gabriela thinks Nunsense is passive-aggressive and stubborn
  • Nunsense thinks Anomaly is insulting
  • FP inserts a terrible meme
  • Winchester complains about civil society
  • FP gets bent out of shape and quotes Voris
  • Nihil Obstat declares that in the latin Mass this would not happen
  • Natedetube makes a wierd comment
  • Superblue declares a conspiricy
  • Dairy4ugirl follows Suberblue's chain of thought
  • FP declares this is all nonsense
  • Nunsense thinks Gabriela is passive-aggressive back
  • Gabriela thinks nunsense has a victim complex
  • Nunsense thinks Gabriela should get a life
  • Everyone tells FP he is loved
  • Basilica Marie thinks nunsense is sensitive
  • Gabriela thinks nunsense is insensitive
  • veritasluxmea thinks nunsense is hard

I'd like to end with this



Edited by blazeingstar
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