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An Inevitable Star Wars Hype Thread

Not A Mallard

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I will not watch it. George lucas doesnt own this new episode i heard and has sold the rights to star wars,probably at a threat to his life and his families, star wars is like his baby who would sell there baby that is already rich as, think about it. This new episode could be riddled with subliminals. Please tell me if my information is incorrect, not that i will watch it anyway.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Not A Mallard
30 minutes ago, Tab'le De'Bah-Rye said:

I will not watch it. George lucas doesnt own this new episode i heard and has sold the rights to star wars,probably at a threat to his life and his families, star wars is like his baby who would sell there baby that is already rich as, think about it. This new episode could be riddled with subliminals. Please tell me if my information is incorrect, not that i will watch it anyway.

I'm more worried about originality and J.J. Abrams's directing style. And George Lucas says that fans are going to love it.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i said could be. :) i no trust tha world no more, particularly anything to do with the u.s popular entertainment industry and any media. Why the heck would George lucas sell Star Wars? Thats like me selling my pet cat, not happening without a threat to my life and my loved ones.

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Not A Mallard
5 minutes ago, Tab'le De'Bah-Rye said:

i said could be. :) i no trust tha world no more, particularly anything to do with the u.s popular entertainment industry and any media. Why the heck would George lucas sell Star Wars? Thats like me selling my pet cat, not happening without a threat to my life and my loved ones.

Well, he has gotten death threats. If not from Disney, then from the fans. He was hated for the thing he created after the Prequels. It seems like that alone would put a big enough toll on him to sell the rights to his property.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Like he is going to suicide over two mistakes. I don't believe it, he is way to big to let fans scare him he is in the lime light he knows people love to try and cut down tall flowers after 1 or 2 mistakes.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Why would he sell it for 4 billion when it is worth far more than that. He cant even feed the world for 1 day with that kind of money, he has probably like 500 million already for personal use, i dont get why he would sell it, 4 billion is a pittance, the star wars phenomenum is going to be making money for the next 30 years even without the new movie. That would be 4 billion right there and perhaps more over 50 to 100 years pilling into his families coffers.

And it's not a painting, when you create something like a song or a movie with words it is a part of you your philosophy on life that you can't just sell out on without getting credit that it is you unless your a prostitute, and i don't believe george lucas is a prostitute, there are no sex scenes or sexual references in the original 6 movies. Painters are different, i don't know why and cant explain it at present but there different. I know what i just said doesn't make sense but i really have a bad feeling about this new movie but whatever, i've been trying to encourage people to switch off to switch on for years.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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