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Mars One - would you go


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So there's that movement underway to get volunteers for a 1 way ticket to Mars when the time comes. 

Would you go? I imagine some Catholics + at least one priest should go. 

Imagine saying mass on Mars!

would the prayers of Mass have to change, where it says "what earth has given, and human hands have made?" If the gifts come from Mars?Would we have to get rid of hymns like "All the ends of the earth?"

I sure as heck would not go. I like my earth air...


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There's a Jewish joke that says that if the first man to build a house on Mars is a Jew, the second one will be a Chabadnik.

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Well, I don't think that the Catholic prayers say "Earth" with a capitol E so much as "earth" which soil on mars would still be "earth".  Plus, that's assuming that the language spoken would be English.  


As far as song, it comes from the culture and the people.  Even Gregorian chant reflects the knowledge and sort of "sense" of the people.  They speak of what the people knew, field and stone, ocean and mostly, the sun and elements.  Songs citra 1960 and those in non-European churches who did not use chant (which can also be as old as that) all reflect upon the wonders of God.  So I'm sure that just as we once sung about the valley, then countries, then shores and then the whole earth, we'll reflect upon the whole galaxy.  Actually, I think there's already a song citra 2000's about "God of wonder beyond our galaxy...." yadda yadda.



My brother actually wanted to do it, qualified but one wife and baby later it isn't happening.

For myself, I don't think I could do it, either.  Many reasons, including family but also including pets and love of food and the ability to really help others.

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I actually knew about this when they were still accepting submissions, before it hit the wider web. I qualified, and seriously considered applying, even had the camera and a brainstorm of what I'd say worked out. I decided not to for a few reasons- I couldn't join a religious order if I did get picked, and frankly I don't think it's the best use of my life. I sympathize with the scientific and exploratory aspects of it but in the end I didn't really feel "called" so I didn't go for it. 

Personally, I think this whole project would go a lot better if they first successfully lived in a underwater complex in the deep sea or arctic floor for six months with absolutely no outside help. I'm serious. I know Mars is more exciting but it makes more sense to build up to Mars' living conditions instead of going for it in one shot. If we can't even figure out how to live in the deep sea or arctic winter here on Earth, how do they expect to live on Mars for a significant amount of time? 

Also, where is the company getting the funding to pull this off? 

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Basilisa Marie

I saw The Martian a few weeks ago.


No thank you, I'm staying on Earth. 

Edited by Basilisa Marie
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I wouldn't apply. I'd rather dedicate my life to working out my salvation and trying to grow in holiness rather than a scientific pursuit. Even if I was a scientist I wouldn't want that to be my whole life. 

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I wouldn't apply. I'd rather dedicate my life to working out my salvation and trying to grow in holiness rather than a scientific pursuit. Even if I was a scientist I wouldn't want that to be my whole life. 

why would exploration or scientific pursuits necessarily interfere with growing in holiness?? 

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Under no circumstances. I would rather be shot, because at least my inevitable death would be much quicker and less frightening.

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Nah, I have enough adventure in my life with getting my college degree, discerning religious life, and deciding what to eat for lunch.

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Making a one way trip to someplace you've never been before, knowing you'll never see your family again,  been there, done that.

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Making a one way trip to someplace you've never been before, knowing you'll never see your family again,  been there, done that.

canada is tough, true but not like Mars. 

On Mars all the oxygen is stored in cylinders. And if you take your hat off your head will explode but it would make no sound because of the vacuum of space. And if someone punches you hard enough you will potentially go floating into space, but you won't starve to death as you float away because again all the oxygen is in cylinders so you will suffocate long before you miss a meal. 

The space suits all look the same so from a distance how will you know whether the person up ahead is a blowhard you want to avoid? If you're walking around outside.

All problems Canadians have finally eliminated in their own environment in the last few years through the magic of American technology. 

Under no circumstances. I would rather be shot, because at least my inevitable death would be much quicker and less frightening.

although I suppose death is inevitable regardless of location, I feels you. I'm also of the opinion that the stress of being isolated off planet would likely lead to quite a bit of violence amongst the colonists... And no police station to run away to. Or friendly natives to go live with. Previous poster is correct that the only environment to rival it for hostility is the sea...

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sign me up! 

Of course it would be frightening. But why not? Whatever bad things are waiting for you won't last forever - that's a guarantee. The other guarantee is you'll make history and see things no other human being ever has. 

If you live through it, one day it will be over.  If it kills you, you'll be dead, and it will be over. life is short you guys. there's no point clinging to it. 




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