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How do I politely answer this?


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Pray to the Holy Spirit to give you the words...it could be that He's wanting you to explain why and to be honest so that others know that what this priest is doing is not right.  Too often, there are liturgical abuses that parishoners have no clue are abuses.  If more knew, I'm sure there would be more outrage and things could change for the better...

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I would just say "St. NewParish's is a better fit for me," and leave it at that. It's the truth, after all, but doesn't get into your personal business.


I also would probably write a succinct, politely-worded, professional-sounding letter to the Bishop.

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I sent in a short letter to the bishop.

In my experince, unless you're with people like Phatmassers, people don't care about liturgical abuses unless it's something really out there, like a puppet mass. You're seen as a legalistic perfectionist. 

Again, I don't want to tell most people about the priest because my mom and grandma would find out about it and it would get ugly at home. Even when I clearly state that I'm uncomfortable discussing something, both of them are known to not let the issue go. 

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I sent in a short letter to the bishop.

In my experince, unless you're with people like Phatmassers, people don't care about liturgical abuses unless it's something really out there, like a puppet mass. You're seen as a legalistic perfectionist. 

Again, I don't want to tell most people about the priest because my mom and grandma would find out about it and it would get ugly at home. Even when I clearly state that I'm uncomfortable discussing something, both of them are known to not let the issue go. 

Honestly,  while the litigicual abuses are something that should be addressed his abusive and cruel behavior should be addressed moreso.

That's not to say that you must discuss this with your mom and grandma.  There's a bible verse somewhere about throwing good grain to bad soil? or goats? or something.  Unless they were in  utter shock, there's no way I'd let a friend, nevermind a child of mine, be spoken to in that way from anyone, even a priest.  Granted, I'm incredibly overprotective over friends children, and fairly protective over friends.  But I did have a cause more than once to stick my neck out when someone was being verbally abusive (my college friend had a anxiety disorder and had a panic attack so severe she wet herself and her grandmother told her to stop being a drama queen and that she did it to herself from going to college)  Apparently my few words and refusal to let her grandmother take her home (the dr would only release her to her mother) actually caused some rift for a while but my friend's mother was grateful and actually helped my friend get on the right track.  

At any rate, my point is that without being in the situation, it sounds like your mom and grandmother are part of the problem.  Not letting something go is a form narcissism and prying that isn't appropriate once you determine someone of age and is out of immediate physical danger.  You may have to come up with a reason for them in which is enough of the truth that they would back off.  There is a priest that is very obnixous and that I distain.  My mother knows this and she and my dad (who were wronged by this priest) are alot easier on him than I am but she still dosn't understand why I hate to go to Mass with him presiding.  (oh and he does tons of litirgual abuses! like stopping mass, invinging all the kids on the alter and dressing up as santa!!! An act of which was a plague in our dioceses among similar minded priests) My brothers have fallen away completely.   Honestly, given all that I don't blame them.  And back to my point.  You're going to have to figure out where you can be honest and how you can do this best even if it will cause small suffering.  (Hopefully you don't live at home, or won't soon)

This priest is a bad guy.  He's hurting more than the litirguy, he's hurting you, and I'm sure others.  He's crass, out of order and sounds very verbally abusive.  People like that don't just have that part of their personality show with no other consequence.  You're right to want to be away from it, and I think that you need to find the right way to find your voice in the matter, even with people around you who would side with this very cruel man.  

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(Hopefully you don't live at home, or won't soon)


For financial reasons, I do have to live at home for some time. On top of that, my mom can rationalize her way out of anything. That may be because she's a lawyer: a professional arguer. 

There have been situations where she asked me something and I said that I was uncomfortable talking about it. She pressed anyway. I insisted that I wasn't going to discuss it because I knew that it would get my temper going. She stated that I was preventing her from knowing me better. I felt guilty for a while, but still didn't give in to her demand to discuss the topic.

On another occasion, my mom and grandma insisted that I had to watch movie that they had seen. I said I wasn't interested, but they wouldn't let it go. When I said that I didn't want to discuss anything that could lead me to lose my temper, they resonded that I wouldn't improve on managing it, if I didn't practice with them. Then, they expressed how hurt they felt that I wasn't letting them help me.

Yea, let me practice loosing my temper even more with you, so that my outbursts will become even more of a habit. :rolleyes: Neither of you are trained in helping others in anger management. I've got a therapist already. There are simply some things that you can't help me with. Those comments you make are just your way of using guilt to get what you want. 

My therapist and I are working on how to cope with them. If I'm in a situation like that again, I'm supposed to say that a boundary is being crossed and to walk away, which is not avoiding the problem, but protecting myself and them. Me turning into the Hulk isn't going to do anyone any good. 

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