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Communities that work with special needs children

Pax_et bonum

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Pax_et bonum

I'm working on my BS in Special Education, and I was wondering if there are any communities that specifically work with special needs children. I think I could go into any teaching order and do something with special education, but I wanted to know if that's in any community's charism or anything. Thanks!

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I don't know of any off hand, but I am certain that your diocese's branch of Catholic Charities would be very eager to have your help. If you are drawn to religious life, perhaps you'll come to have contacts with orders involved in that type of work by walking along that avenue.

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I don't know any congregations that have special needs education as their primary apostolate, but there are many who work with special needs children as part of their wider mission. For example, in the UK the Dominican Sisters of St Catherine of Siena run a school for children with disabilities - that falls under the Dominican charism of study and truth.

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The Marian Sisters in Lincoln, Nebraska! They are a wonderful community - a friend just joined them.  Their two main apostolates are special ed and a domestic violence shelter.  Here is their website: http://www.mariansisters.org/

and their super fun vocation video (with sisters on a trampoline!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ydWnVxXN7s 

Let me know what you think ;)

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The Marian Sisters in Lincoln, Nebraska! They are a wonderful community - a friend just joined them.  Their two main apostolates are special ed and a domestic violence shelter.  Here is their website: http://www.mariansisters.org/

and their super fun vocation video (with sisters on a trampoline!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ydWnVxXN7s 

Let me know what you think ;)

Right, that is it, I am joining them for the sake of the trampoline. Trampoline is a sign of vocation to me.

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Right, that is it, I am joining them for the sake of the trampoline. Trampoline is a sign of vocation to me.

God works in mysterious ways :hehe2:

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The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet used to do Deaf Education, and they taught all varieties of special education at a couple of their colleges. But I don't know for certain that they run and special ed or Deaf Ed school any more. I do think they'd let you work in special ed if you were to join them.

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The Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at least USED to run St. Coletta's home which was for those with special needs. It was also the place where President John Kennedy's sister, Rosemary, who had developmental disabilities, lived.


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The Daughters of Charity have all kind of ministry, including Special Need education. i think the Salesians sisters of Don Bosco too, but I'm not sure. 

But the order of Malta will be very happy to have you as a volunteer ! Contact them if you can, at least in my region, they're always looking for people who have some formation about Special Needs kids. 

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Yes, we would!  I'm not sure where you live, but the Order of Malta has a strong internet presence online.  There are 3 grouping of us in the U.S.  - American, Federal, and Western.  The different Associations are primarily by state groupings,  but there is some overlap.  If you're across the pond, there's more of us over there than in the U.S.  I believe.   If you have questions, please feel free to PM me.

Edited by Francis Clare
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We have the Regens Wagner institutes in Germany which work with this.  Also, are Sisters in schools here sometimes deal with special ed.  I think it can come up in a variety of settings.

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