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Should thread necromancy be a bannable offense?


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Nihil Obstat

After a certain cutoff - I say five years - threads should be automatically locked, or locked if bumped. If you want to discuss the same subject start a new thread. Necroposting is universally considered poor forum etiquette.

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No. If the threads are available, they are still open for discussion. 

If our beloved overlord should decide to make threads unavailable (to reduce costs, or speed up processing, or whatever) after some set period of time ( a year, six months, three months), I'll trust his judgment. 


Ice - don't think of it as thread necromancy. Think of it as thread resurrection!

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I dunno. I think it is kind of cool. Maybe 100 years from now someone will dig up some of our threads and continue them. We live on.

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Maybe not banning. Venial sin at worst. Perhaps a couple of Hail Marys in the Rosary thread.

I'm not wild about old threads, because most of the time they don't lead to interesting current discussion, just a couple of comments. Plus you normally can't reply to the original posters because they are long gone to a better place. (If Twitter or Facebook can be considered better places. :P)

I do like the fact that old threads are accessible. It's happened several times in VS that old threads have been useful.

But, maybe we could have fewer old threads being revived. Once in awhile is funny or interesting. Lots of them--not so much. Moderation and all that.

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Joyce Cooper: Fascist!
Nicholas Angel: I beg your pardon?
Joyce Cooper: [doing a crossword puzzle] System of government categorized by extreme dictatorship. Seven across.
Nicholas Angel: Actually that's fascism.
Joyce Cooper: Fascism! Wonderful.

Nicholas Angel: Hag!
Joyce Cooper: I beg your pardon?
Nicholas Angel: Evil old woman considered frightful or crazy, 18 down.
Joyce Cooper: [thinks about it] Oh... bless you!

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I can't help but think I have contributed to this thread being started in some small way.


Although in high school I was voted most likely to be burned at the stake, let me make one thing clear:



That being said - let someone bring forth the harm caused by reviving an old thread?  Seriously...


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That being said - let someone bring forth the harm caused by reviving an old thread?  Seriously...


Seriously? How about boredom? Especially when there are so many old threads. One or two can be funny, but lots of them get boring and confusing. I have to keep looking at the thread dates to keep track of current discussions versus long-dead threads. 

But, if people want to do it, that's fine. I'll cope somehow. "Oh the agony!" <That's sarcasm--I'm not wild about old threads, but I don't care THAT much>

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How long oh Lord!  How long shall we suffer!

Seriously, boredom is your main reason...  You can't just skip the boring threads and move on?  Also, many of the old threads, although old, are far from boring in my opinion...  Especially compared to MANY of the new threads.  Come on!


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