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Several Intentions.

Spem in alium

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Spem in alium

The lady for whom I asked for prayers is not improving. There is really nothing doctors can do for her and so I believe they are just waiting for confirmation from the family that they can let her go. Prayers for peace for them during this time would be appreciated.

I also ask your prayers for:

"C", who is four months old. While she was in utero the family was told she has a serious heart condition and would require surgery. They still gave her a chance at life and had her baptised straight after birth. The other day she took a turn for the worst and has had open heart surgery. Please do pray for her and her family.

A young man I know, Scott, whose mother passed away suddenly just over a week ago from a sudden and massive brain hemorrhage. He said he was fortunate to see her the week before and was able to tell her he loved her and would see her soon. Please hold him and his family in your prayers, and pray for eternal rest for his mother. 

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