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Are there special rubrics for watching Mass on TV?


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Okay...so today I was watching the Live broadcast of the Mass in Philly presided by Pope Francis...and it struck me that because it was "live" I was an active participant in this Mass and shouldn't be eating breakfast during it, or texting or facebooking, etc. etc.  I also knelt down during the Consecration. 


Is this the proper behavior, or because I'm not actually there physically, this was not necessary?  Are there special rubrics for watching Mass on TV????

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There are no rubrics concerning watching Mass on TV.  Televised Masses do not fulfill Sunday Mass obligations - this requires physical presence at the Mass itself.  Therefore, we can also conclude that the typical behaviours surrounding Mass attendance are also not applicable.  It is commendable and worthy however to pay some reverence during the Consecration, spiritually joining yourself to the Sacrifice of the Mass.  Strictly speaking, you could have continued whatever it was you were doing.  

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