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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini.

So i was told by a priest that the universal magesterium teaches that holy scripture is "infallible in faith and morals" so obviously faith is the faithfullness of the writers to God and what is morals, i will bring up here what the dictionary says moral means but i checked the catholic dictionary and there is like many different concepts of moral, here is the dictionary meaning of the word morals...

of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conductor the distinction between right and wrong; ethical:
moral attitudes.
expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as aspeaker or a literary work.
founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than onlegalities, enactment, or custom:
moral obligations.
capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct:
a moral being.
conforming to the rules of right conduct (opposed to immoral ):
a moral man.
virtuous in sexual matters; chaste.
of, relating to, or acting on the mind, feelings, will, or character:
moral support.
the moral teaching or practical lesson contained in a fable, tale,experience, etc.
the embodiment or type of something.
morals, principles or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct.
5. upright, honest, straightforward, open, virtuous, honorable. 11. integrity,standards, morality. Morals, ethics refer to rules and standards of conductand practice. Morals refers to generally accepted customs of conduct andright living in a society, and to the individual's practice in relation to these:the morals of our civilization. Ethics now implies high standards of honest

Also heres the biggie, what does the universal magesterium teach about itself, is it also simply infallible in faith and morals or is it absolutely infallible. This i think is where the confusion about the word infallible comes in if indeed the universal magesterium is simply infallible in faith and morals and not absolute, for of course only God is absolute right and i do know the universal magesterium teaches that only God is absolute.


Anyhow discuss.



P.s. I'm going on another pilgrimage away from contact with peoples socially including here on phatmass, how long it will last i know not.

Onward christian souls.

Jesus iz LORD!


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

oh my bad, i was told the church teaches that only God is absolute but an official prophet of the catholic church fr gobi was told by our mother mary that at least 50% of the church is deceived, that was 20 years ago, perhaps more so now so i shouldn't just take even my brethren on there word in todays climate of entertainment gods and subliminal messages that sow lies in our minds, and these people are genuine they believe what they believe to be true. S.O.S. 

By the way which meaning of moral is the universal magesterium declaring, or is the english dictionary wrong as pagans have corrupted many christian words over the centuries or at least watered them down, what is holy mother churches meaning of the word moral. Investigate brothers and sisters in christ, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened.

Jesus iz LORD!

Again i can believe all statements declared by the universal magesterium as being the incorruptible infallible word of God directly from the holy spirit, if that is what she declares her statements are.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

What is the true meaning of moral? What is it's christian meaning, coz like i have come across words that in the catholic sense mean something completely different to the dictionary sense. Perhaps this is a word that the dictionary rings true to Christ, idk. 

Anyhow i have to start my fast now, so onward christian souls and Godbless. Just had to drop one last bom for you guys to consider and discuss. Luv yuz. :buddies:

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Back for the very last time. Just asked a priest what the church means by morals and he said if i want it in basic form it means " guidelines as to what is good and bad, what is right and wrong." And i asked him whether the universal magesterium is infallible absolute or just in faith and morals and he said " there are varying degrees." And you all can say this priest is wrong if you do i will just ask two more priest, this one was fssp, i will ask a novus ordo priest and a missionary priest, and if they all match up than it is YOU WHO ARE WRONG. :P or my diocease is in schism, but this fssp priest isn't from my diocease, perhaps God fobid the whole church in my country is in schism or heretical, BUT I DOUBT THAT. :)

Ok see yuz.


P.s. i think perhaps that there are very under educated christians here that claim to know the truth or they are free masons that know many church documents and use them against un educated christians and put there own spin on them to mis lead the fathifull. YE BE WARNED, i will research everything and dot my i's and cross my t's, but for now see you all till the next episode, please pray for me, A SINNER.

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