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Jewish / Old Testament stuff // question


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Oremus Pro Invicem

The stuff we miss out on when we fight with each other.  :( 

We should also point out that not all of the Jews were looking for an earthly King. Christ did have followers who recognized Him as the Messiah and they continued to follow Him, and became Christians.  Catholics.

Judaism must logically find its end, its fulfillment, in Christ(ianity.)

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I think you explained it pretty well. It's not something I really thought about before but I've found this thread insightful. 

:dontlike: and posting replies from those on my iggy list to get my attention when you could have simply propped the person instead earns you a seat in the iggy box as well.  It is rather odd how people can not figure out that i have them on ignore.

The stuff we miss out on when we fight with each other.  :( 

We should also point out that not all of the Jews were looking for an earthly King. Christ did have followers who recognized Him as the Messiah and they continued to follow Him, and became Christians.  Catholics.

Judaism must logically find its end, its fulfillment, in Christ(ianity.)

It isn't a fight, it is just Gabriel isn't my cup of tea, and hasn't even come close to answering my question,

so, finish a job, but " they " it seems like didn't even have a real description at the very least written down as in okay, when our " earthly king " comes, he is going to look like this way, come in this exact fashion and he is going to do x,y,and z.

Also what I find bizarre is, all through out scripture, it is at least to me,  seems that there is underlying idea that they get the drift that he isn't just the average prophet, yet the big plan is to keep on antagonizing Christ, instead of just flat out asking the question they want to ask.

so, instead of going  hang on a second we have some questions, how come this an this an this didn't happen like we expected and wanted.

which they can't even properly define or write down all they have I guess now is a vague notion of i guess someone in a chariot in garments and a crown coming down from the clouds or who knows.

An i dunno, but Moses coming down from a mountain, with tablets, and all shining from encountering God, that is credible, a burning bush, that is credible, everything Moses did was credible and worth following at least to a point till they started complaining. The reason of thinking back then when looking at things just doesn't add up to being intimidated / fearful of losing their status and power.


What i posted is very specific and all i keep getting in return are vague replies, 


I was hoping for an answer such as,

here is a link,  ******** , in it the Jewish people have specific details of what they expected God to do for them after Moses, and David, that the Son of God would fit this box exactly, but since Christ didn't fit their expectations .....


but I really shouldn't have posted my question in a Catholic forum to begin with ... but thought it was worth a shot.

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Dude, nobody cares about your ignore list. You are the only person who ever brings it up. Just let it go. You will be happier, I promise.

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but again, if anyone who isn't on my blk list and understands what i am getting at wants to take a crack at it, please do ,i would be interested in hearing, and it is sad that there are those who insist on derailing and trolling a thread. 

so, finish a job, but " they " it seems like didn't even have a real description at the very least written down as in okay, when our " earthly king " comes, he is going to look like this way, come in this exact fashion and he is going to do x,y,and z.

Also what I find bizarre is, all through out scripture, it is at least to me,  seems that there is underlying idea that they get the drift that he isn't just the average prophet, yet the big plan is to keep on antagonizing Christ, instead of just flat out asking the question they want to ask.

so, instead of going  hang on a second we have some questions, how come this an this an this didn't happen like we expected and wanted.

which they can't even properly define or write down all they have I guess now is a vague notion of i guess someone in a chariot in garments and a crown coming down from the clouds or who knows.

An i dunno, but Moses coming down from a mountain, with tablets, and all shining from encountering God, that is credible, a burning bush, that is credible, everything Moses did was credible and worth following at least to a point till they started complaining. The reason of thinking back then when looking at things just doesn't add up to being intimidated / fearful of losing their status and power.


re bump

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here is a link,  ******** , in it the Jewish people have specific details of what they expected God to do for them after Moses, and David, that the Son of God would fit this box exactly, but since Christ didn't fit their expectations .....

Jewish don't have a checklist for the Messiah, it's more complicated thant that. Anyway, Gabriella have given you an answer, you are the one who is refusing to have an answer ! 

But a short google search will give you a link : http://www.jewfaq.org/mashiach.htm Short answer : They don't believe that the Christian scripture are reliable, that Jesus was a descendant of David, and they don't believe that Jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecy, such as being a political leader, or establishing the Messianic age (a time of perfect peace and harmony). You have everything in this link. 


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