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That's a fishy statement.

This is the first forum from which I have NOT been banned - thus far. In all likeliness the only one that will not ban me in the near future.  

yeah are you kidding me on the banning thing ? C.A.F is notorious for banning people for the slightest thing, doesn't matter if you meant what ever with good intent or malice, they have three strike penalty an that is it good bye. The Moderators there are so heavy handed one siding gestapos that beat to death their internet badges they have earned into everyones faces as if it means they actually know wth they are talking about.


this is forum is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better by far to just flat out vent, call people out on bs as you see it, ignore whom ever for what ever reason and let them swim in their own insanity of what ever and be done with it.  But to be fair, C.A.F is more out to make money for their website and to promote and sell catholic based items that the website owner deems worthy to do.

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I didn't even know Apotheon was no longer here. 

And now something funny has happened to my font size. - or maybe not. Preview is showing something different than after posting. 

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What great poster was banned, besides Cam. 

Banning Cam was the best thing you ever did. I went on a VERY long sabbatical because of Cam, and he seriously undermined my respect for Catholicism. Should I have let one person wreck my experience on Phatmass and have such a negative influence of my view on Catholics? Rationally, no. But feelings aren't always rational.

As for Apotheon, I miss him. Sure, he could be a curmudgeon. But, he posted amesome videos of Eastern rites, and I learned a lot from him.

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Apotheon's "I'm eastern I don't have to deal with the same messes that you do blah blah blah" got REALLY old.

Yeah, you're right. But I miss him anyway. (Probably because I try to stay away from debates so missed most of that.) I know that no one is banned on Phatmass without a lot of thought--especially a longtime member like Apo, so I respect the decision.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Past banning is NOT the subject od this thread.  

It's about making friends and deepening the common relationships.  


To that end I propose phatmass accept some 50 strian refuges to stay with us. They can shack up at dust's place and remodel the prayer room as a mosk. We could dress like then to make then feel at home and even change our avatars to pro-islam avatars.  


I didnt know auSTRIANs where even muslim?

I can go for the no beer and gambling as a general rule but not as an always rule because there are exceptions to every rule except the rule of love. Though i neither desire to gamble nore drink, anymore, which is good because i abused such privileges. Abuse and you will loose captain snooze.

not saying anyone is captain snooze, just a name of a bedding company in my city that rhymed with abuse, :P:buddies:

Sorry i missed to put a quote after the astrian plug about protistants no beer no gambling, i still am yet how to figure out to do multi quotes. :(

Mad typos that i'm not going to bother correcting anymore, you get tha drift so lets have fun going sideways and crossing our eyes and dotting our tease.

I guess while remaining serious about serious stuff. Sounds impossible perhaps to man but to our LORD and saviour Jesus Christ, you know the rest.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Got cut off...

And unsure where that path lead me, maybe i'm fresh out of fun. :( i am old old man and only 37 this year. :( I need some teen spirit to fire me up and get the blaze back on the maze lighting the way out so i can get back on the save the world mission which perhaps im still on but seem to be incapacitated with very little humor and i was told that the saints where famed for having a great sense of humor, whether this is true or not i do not know. Perhaps i am no saint, perhaps i am prophet or angel. LOL <ducks for cover> 

I must add perhaps grand fool of the Lords court that thinketh himself wise, though i wouldnt know if i was wise or not, though i must pray for wisdom each day which i just realised i have to do and have never done before.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Apotheon's "I'm eastern I don't have to deal with the same messes that you do blah blah blah" got REALLY old.

Agreed. But I think his contributions outweighed his eccentricities.

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What great poster was banned, besides Cam. 

As cantankerous as he is, I actually think having Apotheoun around was worthwhile. I did not really disagree with your decision at the time, but in hindsight I think we were better having him around.

Agree with both of these. Also, I wish L_D posted more than a couple times a year. 

Although Ash, I also agree with your points, lol. 

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