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Leah Remini leaves Scientology, returns to the church


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Ash Wednesday

I was glad to hear she had gotten out of $cientology a while back. How thrilling that she's returned to the Church. Deo Gratias. 

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I am very happy to hear this.  I really think the Scientology religion is dangerous and is more about money than it is for salvation of souls.  I read that Tom Cruise was studying to become a Catholic priest at a minor seminary before he became an actor and got mixed up with Scientology.  His ex-wife, Katie Holmes, was convinced to leave the Church, as well, before they were married.  She has since left Scientology and returned to the Catholic faith.

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Good for her. They are a money making pyramid scheme cult that uses tactics to control, suppress and destroy those who leave and protest against them. They have a few extra 'front groups' too.  I'm glad many countries refuse them charitable and tax exempt status.

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Who is this woman?

She's an actress and has been on a few TV shows. 

Who is this woman?

She's an actress and has been on a few TV shows. 

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