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Phorum Guidelines / Tag Descriptions


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I'm not sure the "Haters gonna hate tag" is just for non-Catholics.

The Phishy tag has to do with the poster claiming to be Catholic but not supporting all the Catholic Church's teachings. 

The "Haters" tag seems to be more for those stirring up trouble or not supporting Phatmass' new direction.

dUSt said in another post, 

"I love everyone. As far as I'm concerned, the slate is clean. Going forward, if someone does something in the phatmass house party that is not legit, I'll just say, "Not cool bro. Please leave."

Then, if they refuse to leave, I'll just put them in the "Haters Gonna Hate" group where all their posts get moderated like the Phishies."

So, in theory I guess a Catholic could get the "Haters" tag. We'll see.....

Please correct me @dUSt if I have any of this wrong.

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Yeah, we still have "Phishy". "Haters" seems to be for non-Catholics who stir up trouble.

Do we still have the "Cordial Non-Catholics" tag? Iggy, yours is now "Protestant". Did you change it?

Everything's kind of a blur. :| 

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Yeah, we still have "Phishy". "Haters" seems to be for non-Catholics who stir up trouble.

Do we still have the "Cordial Non-Catholics" tag? Iggy, yours is now "Protestant". Did you change it?

Everything's kind of a blur. :| 

Unless I am mixing him up with something else, he's been Protestant for a while, and in his understanding of Catholic, he is catholic, but I think he changed in a couple years ago for clarity or something.

Edited by Anastasia (L&T)
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Wait. Isn't Iggy a woman?

I am indeed very much a woman. Have been my whole life.

As for my status, for whatever reason I'm a Chummy Commoner, not a Cordial Non-Catholic. I don't think there is any reason for that--I think dUSt just never got around to changing it. I confess, I kind of like being a Chummy Commoner, and I've tried very hard not to ever post anything that is anti-Catholic or against Catholic teachings. Am I Catholic? No--although I'm a pretty Catholic non-Catholic. Still, if there is something in Catholic teaching that I'm not sure I can say in good conscience that I believe, I simply say nothing. I don't know if I have succeeded 100%, but that has been and still is my goal. However, if dUSt or the Mediators of Meh want to change my status to Cordial Non-Catholic, I understand, because I am that, too.

As for the "Protestant" label. I'm not wild about it, because I don't necessarily consider myself a typical Protestant. If I could make up my own label, it would be "Anglican" or "Anglo-Catholic." However, when we set the "religion" label in our profile, we are given a series of options and "Protestant" fit most closely. 

Now I've got to go do something girly. :princess:

Note: In case anyone cares, all this is in the "About Me" section of my profile. I also have a cat.


Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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Haters Gonna Hate is for all the haters. It doesnt matter what religion or beliefs you have. A hater is a hater. 

Proverbs 9:8

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Wait. Isn't Iggy a woman?

Well, this is the Internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents. When in doubt...

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Well, this is the Internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents. When in doubt...

I'm actually a cat. But, I'm a female cat. :cool:

BTW: You are far from the first person to think I was male. No biggie. (Just Iggy.) 

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