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Question for Benedictus


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@dUSt Yes, as far as I know. There's not anything I'd say I disagree with on that level. I sometimes disagree with how people approach things though. But that's often misconstrued as a disagreement over matters of substance. I'm probably partly to blame for that.

@veritasluxmea If they asked me what the Catholic teaching was then I'd tell them. But I wouldn't seek to get into those issues with someone if I knew someone else would deal with it better than me or if my actions were likely to put them off the faith at that point, as they'd be a stranger to me. It's a matter of priority I suppose. I see no reason not to be polite and respect other people, regardless of their choices, and that doesn't imply acceptance in my opinion. I can see how others may disagree though. There should, I think, be more written on the area in Catholic circles. More debate and analysis would be good too. Cross dressing -  I can't think of anything to say aside from there being possible cultural differences or variances in what's considered cross dressing. Not sure if you mean anything else but I can't think of much else to say about the topics. I have largely given up on debating different points of view simply to expand a debate with others online.

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