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Stupid Cold


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I like to save my requests for prayers for the big things and for people who really need them, but I am feeling so miserable that I am asking all of you to pray for me. I just started a new job two weeks ago and am loving it. But last week my immediate superior was off sick for three days and by the end of the week, I was starting to feel sick too. I know it is just a stupid head cold but you know how horrible those can be - dripping nose, bronchial coughing, burning eyes and sore inner ears, stuffy head. I hate being sick and since it doesn't happen often, I react like a cranky child when it does!

I love my job (the first I've had in a couple of years) and don't want to miss work tomorrow (it's Sunday here). This weekend has been up and down, feeling a little better at times and then feeling like death warmed over at others. The way I am feeling right now I don't know if I can make it into work tomorrow, but I haven't been there long enough to have sick days and besides, I am still learning so much and want to go!

So, when you have a moment between all your really important prayers, please pray that my body fights this stupid virus off and makes me at least well enough to make it to work tomorrow. If it isn't too bad, I can take meds and cough syrups etc and just work it through, but I don't want to make anyone else at work sick - that's just not fair to them. So, prayers please.  Thank you. 

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