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Conversion stories


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I think there are some converts/reverts here and I just thought it would be really neat to share our conversion stories, if anyone wants :) I wondered if I should share mine with people before but I realized this is just a way to thank God for what He did. Of course, those born into the faith have a unique story too where they made their faith their 'own'. Anyone is welcome to share how they came to / came closer to, the Catholic Church :)

I would rewrite a shorter version of my story here but I'm not sure how.. I typed it up on my blog in four parts, you kind of have to scroll down to the end to start with the first part. It's really long so I'm not expecting everyone to read it, but just sharing it here anyway :) I noticed some stories are more intellectual, and others happen in some other way depending on what God knows the person needs. My conversion wasn't too intellectual though certainly I did research and study. For all conversions of course the main point is grace. https://maryslittleflower.wordpress.com/category/conversion-story/

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I once told my entire conversion story to some Poor Clares and it took an hour and 15 minutes. Normally I think it'd take 90 minutes. So no way am I writing it all down here.

Short story: I tried to make it intellectual and failed. I hit rock bottom. I begged with all my heart. Then He responded.

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Aw wish I could hear it :D

I like the idea of summarizing one's conversion story in a sentence. It kind of gets the point across right away. For me it's probably.... hmm...  I felt like God was asking something of me, wasn't opening up to Him and rebelling, then opened up but still rebelled, and then He just took everything into His own hands. I tried to make it intellectual too and also failed.

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I'm not a convert but I will say my two favorite types of stories are convert stories and Vocation Stories. And when I hear a story of a convert who later became a Priest or a Sister I'm all:clap:

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Ash Wednesday

I don't have a particularly dramatic conversion or reversion experience, but I LOVE hearing others. 

By the grace of God, I've been blessed in that I more or less took to my faith and prayer life like a duck to water as a kid and God has just patiently led me by the hand ever since. I have had ups and downs, conversions...again, and again, and again. My mother rightly likened being born again as being a constant turning over of a stone that is a life long process.

I suppose there was the point I reached in my life as a young adult where I was at that crossroads where I had to make an adult leap of faith, that point where your faith is no longer just what you were raised -- it has to be your own as an adult. 

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Like Gabriela, my story would take far too long to write down or even tell out loud. It has been a lifelong experience, taking me through being raised agnostic, praying the Rosary with Catholic neighbors, going through an experience of being 'saved' at an evangelical Christian summer camp with a school friend, studying Buddhism and yoga, then living in the ashram of a cult before finally working with the MCs and realizing that God was asking me to become Catholic and to try religious life. The metanoia never seems to end, there is always another dimension to God's love and His invitation to come closer in union with Him. Conversion of religion is just one aspect of a life. There is also conversion of mind, heart and soul as well, and that seems to go on indefinitely - at least for me it does. :love: 

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I was baptized Catholic and received all the sacraments except confirmation. We weren't a practicing family and by that time we were old enough where parents couldn't force us to go to PSR any more. 

I remember reading an article online by Fr Richard John Neuhaus in the journal First Things. He was such a fine writer with a dry sense of humor. I'm sorry to say this now, but it was also slightly political and happened to match my sensitivity. I thought how amusing, this priest thinks like I do and is so funny about it. 

At some point later I was looking through some pictures of St Cecilia's on the Isle of Wight. I suddenly had a flash in my mind's eye, I could "see" myself there. I got a cold pit in my stomach. I don't think it was an actual supernatural experience but it was thrilling. 

 I realized to be a nun required mass attendance (haha) so I started going to mass... Very frightened of things like the sign of peace etc. The first time I tried to go I sat in the parking lot and then got scared and drove home. It turns out I don't have a religious vocation but at the same time I'm grateful I thought I did since it reintroduced me to the church :)

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