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So, my first post here in 8 years... fun!

No agenda, just saying hi. Very glad to see this place still up and running strong. I just caught a glimpse of my Teresa of Avila biography in the corner of my office and I think I got a bit nostalgic.

If I'm new to you, I think my reputation at the Debate Table was the somewhat reasonable, somewhat polite, probably not nearly well-read or experienced enough evangelical. I was a cradle Catholic who had a strong evangelical conversion experience in college, and came here openly wondering why I never had the "personal relationship with Jesus" stuff clearly explained to me as a kid with 8 years of Catholic school experience. In hindsight, I think I mostly got my butt handed to me in the phorum.

I remember many of you fondly! Homeschoolmom, Cmom, JMJ Littleflower, dUst, Bro. Adam, hyperdulia again, ironmonk, Katholikos, many many more.... how many still around?

Between my last post and now: grew up, dealt with lots of personal junk, got married, finally began to relate to God as Father (see: personal junk) got an M.Div in seminary, currently pastoring in a rural church in the Anabaptist tradition (not Mennonite though). I've grown so much in my love for the Church as a whole, and I owe lots of my development to the spiritual formation writings and contemplative streams of Catholicism. Before my recent move, I even got in the habit of spending retreat time with some monks at a Marionite monastery. 

 Anyhow... hi. :)

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No mention of me! Oh noes, I'm not in the clique after all. 


Hi. :wave:

Of course! Hey!

Of course I remember you. I used to post as MIkolbe and IcePrincess.

IcePrincess, yes! Hey!

Go away

I eventually did once, so hold out hope

Go away

I eventually did once, so hold out hope

I used to post as Deliver Boy. What's up what's up.

I have fond memories of your freestyles

I remember you.   I used to post as jasJis, back then. 


Ah, memories. I haven't found a Christian message board as smooth, functional, and with the personality as this one. Maybe I'll start hanging around again, given my love for the mystics.

How are non-Catholics generally received around here these days? Do they behave?

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