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thank you and other news


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So I vwant to thank everyone who prayed for daughtet Brianna who was injured in May in a car accident shenis doing hettet and her recovery can take up to another year. 

I went to mass this morning and met our new priest and what a breathe of fresh air. The mass was litiguracilly correct. Aftet mass he explained a few things and some people just weren't knowledgeable or they wrte converts to the faith.  But I was raised in the faith. I'm thinking aw a traditionalist amesome.  Latin masses are going to gappen sometimes.  I can't wait for tomorrow morning. Please excuse typos. I am pumped.  Bless this priest a God send!


Forgive my typos I got to excited about everything.  Next time i will be slower

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I'm glad your daughter is doing better :) and about the new priest! I hope your parish would have the Latin Mass sometime :) I know a diocesan priest like this too, he has a parish in the diocese but tries to incorporate more traditional things.

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