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question on Blessed Angela of Foligno


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I'm trying to do some research on her. I found this:

(1) In many of the lives of the saints, the wide sense is intended. Here the mystical marriage consists in a vision in which Christ tells a soulthat He takes it for His bride, presenting it with the customary ring, and the apparition is accompanied by a ceremony; the Blessed Virginsaints, and angels are present. Thisfestivity is but the accompaniment andsymbol of a purely spiritual grace;hagiographers do not make clear what thisgrace is, but it may at least be said that thesoul receives a sudden augmentation ofcharity and of familiarity with God, and that He will thereafter take more special care of it. All this, indeed, is involved in the notion ofmarriage. Moreover, as a wife should share in the life of her husband, and as Christ suffered for the redemption of mankind, the mysticalspouse enters into a more intimate participation in His sufferings. Accordingly, in three cases out of every four, the mysticalmarriage has been granted to stigmatics. It has been estimated by Dr. Imbert that, from the earliest times to the present, history has recorded seventy-seven mystical marriages; they are mentioned in connection with femalesaintsbeatae, and venerabiles — e.g. Blessed Angela of FolignoSt. Catherine of SienaSt. ColetteSt. TeresaSt. Catherine of Ricci, Venerable Marina d'EscobarSt. Mary Magdalen de' PazziSt. Veronica Giuliani,Venerable Maria de AgredaReligious art has exercised its resources upon mysticalmarriage, considered as a festive celebration. That of St. Catherine of Alexandria is the subject of Memling's masterpiece (in theHospital St. JeanBruges), as also of paintingsby Jordaens (Madrid), Corregio (Naples and the Louvre), and others. Fra Bartolommeo has done as much for St. Catherine of Siena.


Source http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09703a.htm


Sorry about the big font... Anyways I was just wondering if anyone knows where her account of this event could be read? did she also receive a ring?

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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The Classics of Western Spirituality has a volume of Blessed Angela of Foligno's writings. It's a good book. There's stuff about it in there, and yes, as I recall she received a ring. 

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Blessings on your research, MLF.

I have read "Passionate Mystic of the Double Abyss" (Paul Lachance - editor)  http://www.booktopia.com.au/angela-of-foligno-paul-a-lachance/prod9781565482487.html

This includes (in 120 pages) chapters on "Selections from The Memorial" and also "Selections from The Instructions".  I found Angela a most unusual type of mystic of prolific mystical type experiences.  It was the "double abyss" in the title that got me in - never heard of the double abyss before.  Angela was too intense and prolific type of  mystic for my 'leanings' to pursue any further interest - although there was some helpful spiritual advice in places.  The book I read contained the story of her conversion and mystical journey.  I know there is an account of the Mystical Marriage but cannot recall details.

This book seems to be recommended by the Vatican: "The Book of Visions and Instructions of Blessed Angela of Foligno"  https://books.google.com.au/books/about/The_Book_of_Visions_and_Instructions_of.html?id=6UYOPAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y

What the Vatican (Pope Benedict XVI) said: https://w2.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/audiences/2010/documents/hf_ben-xvi_aud_20101013.html  

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