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Turbo Mass


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Shortest I've ever been to was 17 minutes.

There was one that was 13, but the priest skipped the Consecration so it didn't count.

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Ash Wednesday

Some of the masses I attended in Ireland were like that. My friend and I called them the "auctioneer's mass"...

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My parish priest's typical daily mass clocks in at just under 30 minutes, sometimes in the 20 minute range. He doesn't give a homily for most weekday masses though, that's how he manages to make them so short. 

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Archaeology cat

I've definitely been to a Sunday Mass that was around 35-40 minutes. There was no music, and only a short homily. 'Twas with an elderly Benedictine monk.

One of our Irish Monsignors says Mass very quickly. The other one speaks more slowly, so his Masses are longish.

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Auctioneer's Mass - LOL!

I think the quickest Sunday Masses I've been to were a 32-minute Mass (the priest had a very quick speaking style) when I was in high school and one similarly quick during a major blizzard where at most 20 people showed up. I think if you use the short Eucharistic prayers, have short readings, have short to-the-point-homilies, no music, and few attendees, you may be able to pull it off.

Oh, and both celebrants were my high-school English teachers.

Edited by Norseman82
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The speed Mass My family and I attended was in NY state, complete with songs, folks brought up the gifts, had a collection...all components of a longer Mass. I was surprised and to this day, I marvel at it. Maybe I was in a time warp or zoned out. We walked out of church wondering what just happened!! Our Masses in FL can be an hour, sometimes  close to 1.5 hrs if we have baptisms or a guest speaker. 

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I've been to speedy Masses but they are usually for a reason.  The weather is turning bad, or it is hot and the church has no aircondition.  However I once heard rumors about a priest who would do a Daily Mass in 15 minutes which would allow the school teachers and other business people to come in on lunchbreaks from around the city.

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When my parents were in college there was a priest who said Sunday Mass in like 30 minutes...they called him "Fr. Speedo" XD

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