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A novena/prayer for a friend who grew up/have her mother in a cult


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I have a friend who always looks like joyfull and happy. But two days ago, while we were discussing her phobia of needle and her therapy, she ended crying (a lot) about it, until we were able to speak about the cult in wich she grew up. Her parents divorced when she was 12. Her mother was a member of the Soka Gakkai. She used it to scare her and manipulate her. She neglected her (she still have not the right to take medication when she have an asthma crisis), and she still use her to get monney from her father - without giving it to her. My friend doesn't want to speak about it, and think it's nothing. She's not a catholic. 

I'm beginning sunday a novena to Mary who unties knots (http://www.theholyrosary.org/maryundoerknots ) to this intention : that K., my friend, gets better in her life and in her phobia, that her mother let her have medication, that my friend be capable to cut contact with her mother if necessary. You can do this novena with me, or just pray Mary, our loving Mother, for this intention. Thank you. (PM if you want the complete name) 

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