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Heeee's Outa Heeeere!


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Dont know all the particulars.

My husband just came in to tell me that a judge decided against the person who wanted the words "under GOD" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Hubby also stated that the man isnt even an American citizen.

Three AMENS for GOD!



Edited by Quietfire
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Technically, the justices ruled that the father did not have standing to sue on behalf of his daughter because he does not have full custody of her; they didn't deal outright with the issue at hand.

In other words, we'll be seeing this issue again. However, several of the justices (Rehquist, O'Conner, and Thomas) made clear in their own statements that they would have found "under God" to be constitutionally permissible. If anyone wants to read the full decision, [url="http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/14june20041230/www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/03pdf/02-1624.pdf"]here it is.[/url]

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Thanks for the link, I went to print it out and its 57 !!!! pages long.

Thank goodness I ran out of paper. he,he.

I am glad that several of the justices found "under God" to be constitutionally permissable. Let's pray that this issue IS over.


Edited by Quietfire
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if they're gonna do it, i hope they do it while i'm in school so when they say "let's stand to do the pledge" i can say "i will not pledge allegance to a godless nation" and refuse to stand.


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