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Prayer Before Meals


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What do you think of this Prayer Before Meals?

Lord Jesus, like Simon the Pharisee, I am a sinner. But also like him, I invite You to come into my home now, and to share a meal with me. In so doing, I pray that You will also come into my life and my heart, so that I may sin no more. Amen.

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I like that grace. I think I might start using it when I break a fast. It seems suited to penitential days.

My own grace is usually just "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit", with the sign of the cross. (I thought this was a very simple grace until I typed it out like that, and now I realise how it actually sounds - "Stand back, I am eating these pancakes IN THE NAME OF GOD!")

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When I was about 9 or 10 I went to a Christian summer camp with a girlfriend (have no idea of the denomination). As a guest, I was asked if I wanted to read a scripture passage prior to one of the meals.I had never even opened a Bible before so I opened it at random and read a passage about Jacob wrestling with an angel until the angel put his hip socket out of joint. 

After the meal, one of the women counselors approached me and said that it was certainly a unique passage to read before a meal and she had never heard anyone else do it. She smiled as she said it so I think she was just teasing me a little, but I didn't have a clue - I had been raised agnostic!

Later in my life, I was with the Missionaries of Charity and was having lunch alone in the kitchen with Mother Teresa's auntie - a sweet Albanian lady who didn't know much English. Before the meal I asked her if she wanted to say grace, so she made the sign of the Cross and said "Thanks God." And that was it! Short and sweet. The good thing about a short grace is that the meal is still hot when you eat it! :) 

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When I was about 9 or 10 I went to a Christian summer camp with a girlfriend (have no idea of the denomination). As a guest, I was asked if I wanted to read a scripture passage prior to one of the meals.I had never even opened a Bible before so I opened it at random and read a passage about Jacob wrestling with an angel until the angel put his hip socket out of joint. 

That Bible passage is the reason Jews don't eat the hind portions of a cow. So when I read this story, I thought, "They must have been eating kosher beef." :P 

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That Bible passage is the reason Jews don't eat the hind portions of a cow. So when I read this story, I thought, "They must have been eating kosher beef." :P 

I was totally clueless but I did wonder why the angel would be such a bad sport! After all, Jacob was holding his own quite well. :mad:

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We still use the oldie but goodie : Bless us oh Lord and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Then for the kids there's also: God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food, by His hands, we are fed, thank you Lord for our daily bread. 

not very good at spontaneously making up a prayer. Both of these are heavy on thanking

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"God is good

God is great

Good God isn't it time we ate?"

Great one to pull out when you're asked to lead the prayers at family reunions ;) 

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Rub a dub dub

Thanks for the grub


or for a laugh


Through the lips

Past the gums

Look out stomach

Here it comes

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It's a nice prayer; but it doesn't actually ask a blessing for the food.  So if I were to say such a prayer it would be in conjunction with a traditional grace. 

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I'm from a big family. We always used this grace:

"Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 

Who eats the fastest gets the most." 

(Not really, and my mom would give me the back of her hand if she knew I posted this as true facts.)

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