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Which Saint Are You Quiz


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I was just wondering tonight what type of sociopath I am, and the answer was right here on Phatmass! :P I'm Sherlock too. I don't even have tv, so I haven't seen any of these shows. I wish they had a "Which saint are you?" test! :saint: Now I just need to find out what color my brain is...;)


Ask and ye shall receive ... which saint are you? By the way, I got Joan of Arc - a real surprise for me. But then the questions didn't leave much wiggle room.  https://quizsocial.com/which-saint-are-you/ 

What type of Catholic saint are you? http://www.allthetests.com/quiz19/quiz/1150832151/Which-type-of-Catholic-Saint-are-you 

Which saint are you?  http://www.quizony.com/which-saint-are-you/index.html 


Edited by nunsense
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Thanks Nunsense. I was really surprised by my saint. I got Joan of Arc.


Which Saint Are You?

You got: Saint Joan of Arc

Willful and persuasive, when you get an idea in your head you can not be stopped. You are a soldier and you will never leave anyone behind or retreat from a difficult battle.


What would your friends say?

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Thanks Nunsense. I was really surprised by my saint. I got Joan of Arc.


Which Saint Are You?

You got: Saint Joan of Arc

Willful and persuasive, when you get an idea in your head you can not be stopped. You are a soldier and you will never leave anyone behind or retreat from a difficult battle.


What would your friends say?

Ok, now we have to see what other saints get selected because I got Joan too. There are tons of quizzes online about this and each one gives me a different saint! :) 

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Oops! At first I didn't see your whole post. I took the other 2 tests. I got 40% you are a monastic saint and the last one was St Bruno. That's the name of my daughter's cat (after St Bruno of course).:)


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First one I got Saint Cecilia

Second one I got: 30% missionary Saint, 30% Hidden Saint, 20% Scholastic, 20% Monastic, 0% Martyr rotfl

Third one: Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order - You are thoughtful and intellectual, always appreciating the profound things in life. You have great wisdom and know the worth of silence. You are happy to have time to yourself. You never make hasty decisions.




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Oops! At first I didn't see your whole post. I took the other 2 tests. I got 40% you are a monastic saint and the last one was St Bruno. That's the name of my daughter's cat (after St Bruno of course).:)


Ok, we must be sisters. I didn't get monastic - I got scholastic, but I also got St Bruno.

And you didn't miss the links, I added them later after I made the initial post.

One test that I didn't link to returned an answer of 'You are your own unique saint, unlike anyone else.' From the comments section, it seemed that everyone got this response. That's why I didn't post it.

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You got: Saint Paul

Changing your mind is always hard, but you know that you have to make a correction when the truth is revealed to you. And that experience makes you very persuasive, since you are the living proof.


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If you liked Downtown Abbey, you'll LOVE The Grand Hotel. And it is LOOOOOOONG!


I think there is one of those. Didn't PhuturePriest or somebody post one a while back?


Read back a couple of posts - we've already started saints! :) 

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Read back a couple of posts - we've already started saints! :) 

Yeah, sorry. That's what I get for responding on the penultimate page!

This one is unsurprising:

You got: Saint Augustine

An intellectual giant, you are one of the deepest thinkers of all time. Your confessional style makes you a compelling writer and a persuasive converter of sinners by letting them know we all come from humble beginnings.



The second was St. Bruno, which I don't buy, cuz those questions were dumb.

The third one I think was pretty accurate:

Which type of Catholic Saint are you?

For 50 % you are: You are a Hidden Saint! 

Very few people know you and your holiness in this lifetime, but long after you die people will discover your holy life and will seek to emulate you! 

There are perhaps millions of Catholic saints who remain unknown except to God. Those whom we do know include St. Christopher and St. Phiolmena. 
19 % of 7946 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

You could also get this result:
For 30 % you are: You are a Scholastic Saint! 

You enjoy deepening in your understanding of Catholic beliefs. You also are determined to ensure that the correct beliefs are being taught. 

St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas are two major Scholastic Saints. Profile B

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: You are a Monastic Saint! 

You have a strong prayer life. You believe in the power of prayer and do not hesitate to make use of it! 

St. Benedict, St. Dominic and the Blessed Julian of Norwich and St. Elizabeth of Hungary are but a few key Monastic Saints. Profile C

Or even this one:
For 10 % you are: You are a Missionary Saint! 

You enjoy spreading the Faith. You are not afraid to discuss your Faith with those who at first might not understand it. 

St. Paul, St.'s Cyril and Methodius and St. Francis Xavier are but a few of many Missionary Saints. Profile D

Or even this one:
For 0 % you are: You are a Martyr Saint!

You are willing to suffer for your beliefs. You believe that the best way of spreading your Faith is through example, by suffering as Christ and the Apostles suffered. 

St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Polycarp, St. George, St. Jude, St. Edmund Campion and St. Dymphna are but several of the hundreds of Martyr Saints. Profile E

Cuz there is ZERO martyr in me! LOL.

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I got St. Paul for the first quiz. For the second I got 50% monastic, 30% scholastic, 20% missionary, and 0% hidden or martyr. For the third I got St. Bruno.

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Which Saint Are You?

You got: Saint Cecilia

Patron Saint of musicians, you hear music in your heart that guides your every decision. That's why you can stay true to your convictions no matter what it might cost you.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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For the first one I got St Joan of Arc but I didn't like how many of the questions had nothing to do with faith. The second quiz I liked and I got 40% monastic, 30 hidden, 20 missionary, and 10 scholastic... 0 martyr haha. For the last one I got..... St Bruno! :D lol, seems everyone did...

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The first was St. Paul. 40 hidden; 40 monastic, 20 scholastic. Last one was St. Patrick of Ireland. 

Looks like you are the first to get a saint other than Bruno! :) 

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