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Acceptable Head Covering at Mass


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Glad it went well! :) there are parishes I've been to where no one wears a head covering and I did get a few wondering looks perhaps (I don't know what people were thinking though) but a couple people came up to me and said they appreciate it :) so there would be different views but as you said this is for Our Lord! :) a few days ago I didn't wear a head covering just to pray in a church because it was full of people right before Baptisms and I chickened out .. (All I had is my huge white mantilla). But I have to say I just didn't feel quite the same - like something was missing. You get used to it :)

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The other day a friend of mine wore the nicest little net (I don't know if there is another term for it) on her head, with the only fabric I could actually spot from a distance in a little place at the back of her head.  It was very subtle on her dark hair - the interlocking threads were spaced out, too - and I didn't notice it until we were talking after church.

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Back home i rarely saw women wearing veils , I do remember two elderly women in my congregation that did.  Where i am now, i do see a few mothers with their young daughters an the mother an daughters wear veils.  An i could only speculate the mothers are teaching the young girls why, but it is adorable to see little children hands folded an in a veil. Some visual hope things are still good out there.

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I wear a full chapel veil. It is noticeable, particularly when I wear it at English Masses, but that doesn't bother me anymore. I think pretty much anything goes for starters--except baseball caps. :)  I think buffs look great, BTW. :smile2:

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Basilisa Marie

This is only sort of related but I thought I'd share because it's a "yay veiling" thread. 

I don't veil myself, but I don't have any problem with women who decide to. I work at a fairly "modern" parish so when I can I like to go to Mass at the more traditional parish down the street on Saturday nights. A fair amount of women there veil, but it's by no means "highly encouraged" by the parish's culture, if you know what I mean. Since it's stewardship season for us, this parish had one of their members get up and give a witness talk. She was a young mom wearing a black lacy veil. She talked about her struggles in her own faith, dealing with her sister's murder, her husband and community playing an instrumental role in her reversion, how her community supported her in her miscarriage, and how giving back to the community is something we all need to do. 

It was one of the most Catholicly feminist things I've ever seen, and in no small part because she did it while wearing her veil.  


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