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The Collusion With The United Nations


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[quote name='the lumberjack' date='Jun 14 2004, 01:16 PM'] talking to someone and laying your lot with them in spreading "morality from man's inherent goodness" are two totally, dramastically different things. [/quote]
You make it seem as if the Pope goes along with all the U.N. B.S. He doesn't. We're called to be the light of the world, and sometimes that means being a sole voice of reason in an organization that promotes evil. Frankly, people who stand for morality in the face of evil might be the only hope for the U.N.

God bless,


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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Jun 16 2004, 07:42 PM'] budge,

i don't have time now to read all the documents you provided in your original post (i will read them later though!). but, it would appear to me that the pope supports the UN not b/c of the immoral things that they do, but b/c of the potential that the group has to do good, b/c of what the UN was meant to achieve: Peace among the nations of the world. although the UN may seem at times to have abandoned this goal, JPII has not and i see him as working diligently w/ the UN to achieve its intended, more noble purposes.

however, you seem to declare JPII guilty by association, which is never a fair tactic. an objective look at why anyone associates themselves w/ a particular group helps determine the true guilt of the person.

i hope this helps........pax christi,
phatcatholic [/quote]
I agree, the UN has huge potential, maybe that is why the Pope hasn't left it.

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You also have to remember that here in the West we tend to put "power" under intense scrutiny which means that there is a hell of a lot of different opinions based on a huge amount of information.

Do you know the UN's current peace keeping programmes Budge? They are doing a lot of good! I know you might disagree but I would rather something in place (such as the UN with all it's negatives) rather than no world organisation aiming at keeping world peace.

By the way I doubt very much that the the Holy Father would be pro abortion and pro "gay lifestyle." I remember reading a while ago about the huge "gay rights" protest outside (or in) the Vatican. Surley this wouldn't have been the case if da HF was pro "gay."

As Christians we are called to be yeast in the dough, perhaps that is why the pope remains involved with the UN.

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Jun 16 2004, 04:42 AM'] budge,

i don't have time now to read all the documents you provided in your original post (i will read them later though!). but, it would appear to me that the pope supports the UN not b/c of the immoral things that they do, but b/c of the potential that the group has to do good, b/c of what the UN was meant to achieve: Peace among the nations of the world. although the UN may seem at times to have abandoned this goal, JPII has not and i see him as working diligently w/ the UN to achieve its intended, more noble purposes.

however, you seem to declare JPII guilty by association, which is never a fair tactic. an objective look at why anyone associates themselves w/ a particular group helps determine the true guilt of the person.

i hope this helps........pax christi,
phatcatholic [/quote]

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Some Catholics are getting wise and wondering why this relationship with this evil organization is growing so strong between the Vatican and UN.


[quote]Jun. 01 (CWR) - That Pope John Paul II (bio - news) is an enthusiastic supporter of the United Nations is beyond doubt. The question raised in this CWR Dossier is why he is so enthusiastic.

In his message for the World Day of Peace this year, the Holy Father proposed an expansion of UN powers, enabling the international organization to police international disput[/u]In fact, Pope John Paul came to the brink of proposing a radical departure from the traditional standards of just-war theory. [/quote]

[quote]In the articles that follow, CWR examines the track record of recent UN activity—particularly on matters involving human sexuality, but also in the field of human rights. Our dossier also includes an interview with a Catholic activist who has weathered the ideological battles of the UN for several years, and can testify to the organization’s contempt for the Catholic Church and her teachings. [b]The overall account does not encourage confidence that the UN, given broad new powers, would use its authority effectively to promote the common good.[/b] [/quote]

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

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Christians cannot compromis with evil. To be involved with an inherently evil organzation is wrong.

What makes you think the UN is capable of change anyway given that its roots are based in Communism and Secular Humanism? its rotten from the ground up.

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What makes you think it is "inherently" evil? It was not founded as inherently evil.

What makes you think it is not capable of change?

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Please do some background research on the UN. and read the link I have in first post of this thread at www.diakrisis/trojan

These names
Oil for Food scandals
Robert Mullins
Maurice Strong
Sri Chinmoy and role he played in UN
Communism and the UN
Israel and UN
Agenda 21
Sustainable Development and what that really means
Earth Charter==pagan earth politics



Here are the fruits of the modern UN organization

EARTH CHARTER=--supported by nearly all UN elites, blasphemizing Gods ark:


see this utter blasphemy too promoted by the UN


[quote]Recognizing that the United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems which challenge humanity, the Ark of Hope carrying the Earth Charter and the Temenos Books was exhibited at the United Nations during the World Summit PrepComII in January-February 2002.

At the 2002 World Summit o­n Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Ark of Hope was ceremoniously offered to the world by the children of Diepsloot, an informal settlement in Johannesburg.See this website's NEWS section for the complete stories o­n the walk to New York City and journey to South Africa.[/quote]

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