Budge Posted June 14, 2004 Share Posted June 14, 2004 I believe the United Nations is an evil organization. Its ideals at first were good but it has mutated into an organization promoting socialism, the death culture and more. Thug-o-crats, anti-semitism--remember the speech by that one Malaysian?, New Age lies--Google the UN Meditation Room, and more rule the day with the UN. The Bible predicts a one world government. Many scoff but we are being led closer and closer. Even last month our own Congress introduced a bill called Land of the Seas Treaty that would give power over the seas to the UN. When I was UU, which has many members of the liberal intelligensia hooked into it, one of my ministers was the signers of the Humanist Manfesto, the United Nations was promoted at every turn by the UU church, its flags would hang in our churches, the UU charters contained a vote for the support of world government. Alice Bailey and Theosophists loved the UN, every Humanist organization promoted it at every turn. Abortion, gay rights, and the legalization of prostitution are all programs the UN supports and promotes openly. The New Age movement is heavily involved with the United Nations. "Unity in Diversity", "dialogue" all being some of the latest codewords. The promotion of sustainable development--another word for control of the worlds resources and more. Please read this article for back ground knowledge. [url="http://www.diakrisis.org/un_occultism.htm"]http://www.diakrisis.org/un_occultism.htm[/url] The Vatican by far supports the United Nations. This was one of the endless reasons latched on to the doctrines I believed to be false but this time a major political disagreement I had with the Vatican. The UN kissy-face for those willing to explore it is EXTREME> [url="http://www.holyseemission.org/index2.html"]http://www.holyseemission.org/index2.html[/url] At every turn we are told by Sodano, Martino, and the Popes dating from John XXIII, that the United Nations is the best hope for peace, best hope for the world etc etc. [url="http://www.holyseemission.org/dellapace2004.html"]http://www.holyseemission.org/dellapace2004.html[/url] [quote]. It must be acknowledged, however, that the United Nations Organization, even with limitations and delays due in great part to the failures of its members, has made a notable contribution to the promotion of respect for human dignity, the freedom of peoples and the requirements of development, thus preparing the cultural and institutional soil for the building of peace.[/quote] [url="http://www.fatima.org/review/perspective191.htm"]http://www.fatima.org/review/perspective191.htm[/url] Another quote from Pope in support of the United Nations POPE RENEWS HIS SUPPORT FOR UN [quote]www.ewtn.com/news/index.htm New York, Sep. 17 (CWNews.com) - Pope John Paul II has reiterated his strong support for the United Nations. In a telegraphed message, read at an ecumenical service marking the opening of the 58th General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York, the Pope said that the need for international cooperation "regarding the complex questions of global security, international justice, and human development has never been more apparent." The papal message was read by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Vatican's permanent observer at the UN. New York's Cardinal Edward Egan also participated in the ecumenical ceremony. [/quote] In this article one archbishop shows himself as the actual FREEMASON he is: www.zenit.org Code: ZE03091605 Date: 2003-09-16 [quote][b]"The world we are constructing with our hands and minds has a consistency that transcends us," [/b]the archbishop said. Archbishop Migliore then read a message from the Pope, sent by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, in which he invokes "wisdom, joy and strength" for the participants. [/quote] Then we are told over and over religions must unite---(URI, Parliament of Worlds Religions, etc) for the sake of peace by UN supporters and the Pope and his men... [quote]VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 1, 2003 (Zenit.org).-[b] Religions of the world should unite to denounce terrorism[/b], since public opinion "could be tempted" to think that the acts of violence have a religious origin, says John Paul II.[/quote] [quote]- The war on terrorism is something being used to bring forth Globalism. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dialogue or Die," Says Sant'Egidio Founder 500 Religious Leaders Gather for Meeting on Peace AACHEN, Germany, SEPT. 7, 2003 (Zenit.org).- Organizers of a major meeting on religions and world peace are sounding a warning. "Without dialogue, this world will die," said Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio, a lay association that is organizing the three-day meeting here.[/quote] and the Pope calling for a new world order: [url="http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/01/01/pope.ny.ap/"]http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/01/01/pope.ny.ap/[/url] The United Nations wants religions to come together for peace. When I was UU years ago, this was taught and promoted. Humanists have said it and Alice Bailey supproted it as salvation for the world. Some say but the Pope is bringing people to Jesus. I know that active proletyzationw as even outlawed at the Assisi meetings. Teaching people that Seeds of the Word exsist in false religions and that they are all ready praying to God--and that every prayer is authentic is not preaching the gospel. I found this. UNESCO is part of the UN, dealing with religious and cultural matters. THIS IS THE PLAN RIGHT HERE IN BLACK AND WHITE. Notice who the Pope is aligning himself with. Has this ever been spoken against. Has anyone wondered why NONE of the antics at Fatima havent been condemned by the Vatican? [url="http://www.unesco.org/dialogue2001/delhi/values.html"]http://www.unesco.org/dialogue2001/delhi/values.html[/url] [quote][b]It was also suggested that inter-religious dialogue should be preceded by intra-religious dialogue, and the dialogue should aim at the discovery of [u]universal sources of consciousness. [/u][/b]It was further suggested[b] that all religions can come together in joint service to man.[/b] It was then pointed out that this joint service to man will be manifest in the promotion of human rights, justice and development that is sustainable and development that creates constant movements of harmony and good will. [b]A suggestion was made that peace will come when we can accept in our own temple the divine presence celebrated in the temples of other religions.[/b] In a remarkable poetic expression, it was declared that as one advances in age, one learns more and more how to smile and wait. [b]It was also felt that a truly spiritual being wishes sincerely that a Christian should become a better Christian, that a Muslim should become a better Muslim, that a Buddhist should become a better Buddhist, instead of wishing that one should be converted from one religion to the other.[/b] True conversion, it was underlined, is the inner conversion from egoism to universality, [b][u]to the realization of the divinity of man, [/b][/u] and to the program of action of developing good individuals and enlightened citizens. An important suggestion related to the conditions that should be established for fruitful dialogue. Individuals should be so trained, it was suggested, that they become ready to appreciate different points of view. Referring to the theory of Syadvada it was suggested that one should always be ready to see any situation from several points of view in the contention that each point of view has the possibility of truth in it. One has to move from the path of conflict to tolerance, from tolerance to acceptance, and from acceptance to mutual respect. [/quote] This is the plan of the United Nations leaders. Now why does the Vatican support this Globalist organization so much? What is your explanation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmotherofpirl Posted June 14, 2004 Share Posted June 14, 2004 If we don't talk to the UN, how are we going to convert them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the lumberjack Posted June 14, 2004 Share Posted June 14, 2004 talking to someone and laying your lot with them in spreading "morality from man's inherent goodness" are two totally, dramastically different things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Budge Posted June 14, 2004 Author Share Posted June 14, 2004 Thats true lumberjack! Talking with them is different then supporting their leadership and helping them stay on top. Read this article about the UN too [url="http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/TwoSummits.htm"]http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/TwoSummits.htm[/url] I do not understand how support of the sustainable development programs, unity in diversity and other UN agendas will lead to conversion either. Also why is the Pope supporting UNESCO when the agenda is so diabolical---"the divinity in man" comment above? The Vatican keeps preaching that the United Nations as its stands NOW, unconverted is the worlds best hope. I think the worlds best hope is Jesus. Read this article: The Vatican is even using terms like Sustainable Development and planetary consciousness. [url="http://www.cathnews.com/news/209/26.html"]http://www.cathnews.com/news/209/26.html[/url] [quote]Vatican Calls for ´ecological conversion´ at Johannesburg Summit [b]The Vatican has urged "ecological conversion" [/b]at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, saying this requires putting the human person at the centre of development and protection of the environment. Archbishop Renato R. Martino, head of the Vatican delegation to the UN summit in South Africa, made that proposal on Monday when he addressed the assembly. The archbishop, whose address was distributed by the Vatican Press Office, backed the first principle of the declaration of the 1992 Rio de Janeiro conference held on this topic. "[b]Human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable development[/b]," he said. "They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature."[/quote] [url="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=19651"]http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=19651[/url] [quote]I needed any proof that the United Nations agenda was communist, that was the document that handed me the proof. When you look at all the countries in the world, the United States is the only country with the kind of representative government we have, with a Constitution with inalienable, God-given rights, not guaranteed or dependent on what you say or do -- they are your rights, period. In those rights, we have personal property rights. All of a sudden, we have the United States supporting, orchestrating, enhancing an evil agenda I realized was communist. Q: Where does this spiritual link to Gaia come in? Is that just window dressing to try to sell it to the masses? It's like these would-be controllers are attempting a major spiritual shift from the Judeo-Christian ethic to Gaia. What is Gaia? A: I guess you could call it window dressing. Gaia is Greek for "Mother Earth." What really happened at the United Nations Rio Earth Summit was, first and foremost, philosophical. The world up until 1992 -- and it still is in our opinion -- was under the Judeo-Christian ethic. Under the Judeo-Christian ethic, God gave man dominance over the earth. In 1992, what the United Nations did was, they perverted, inverted, that truth, and they basically said man was no longer dominant over the earth, but the earth was dominant over man. They said that we, as men, as living human beings, were equal to the plants and the animals. And so, what Gaia really is, is paganism. So, we now have the United Nations espousing a pagan religion and they are trying to make it equal for each one of us and therefore stamp out the validity and personhood of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the savior of the world. [/quote] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Adam Posted June 14, 2004 Share Posted June 14, 2004 What would happen if you viewed this from a neutral perspective? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Budge Posted June 14, 2004 Author Share Posted June 14, 2004 Why would I want to be neutral about the Socialistic United Nations which put Libya in charge of human rights last year? The United Nations promotes GODLESS agendas including major programs of the elite for population control--not just abortion but euthanasia. Im sorry this is not something I can be neutral about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amarkich Posted June 14, 2004 Share Posted June 14, 2004 [color=red][Deleted by dUSt: Negative criticism of current magisterium][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aloysius Posted June 14, 2004 Share Posted June 14, 2004 in some ways we could use a "Paul" to compliment John Paul II's "Peter". Because he is not some perfect man. but the way i see it, this is not one of those times Peter acted hypocritically looking to please men instead of pleasing God by acting differently when around only Christian gentiles than when his fellow Christian Jewish friends were around. But when it comes to John Paul II, i believe he keeps himself grounded in solid Catholic Theology while not falling into the trap the first pope fell into. He doesn't seek to please the uptight traditional Catholics by when he's in their sight acting to people who are not favored in a different way than he acts to people who are favored. I believe the uptight fundamentalist/traditional Catholic disaproval of John Paul II's dealings mostly with people of other religions can be likened more to the pressure the other apostles put on Peter to act hypocritically than it can be likened to Paul's rebuke of Peter. As for the UN, i never liked them. I may agree with that being a political error. But as for the Dalai Lama, he is doing no less than treating all men with a respect that is demanded by their intrinsic human dignity. PAX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
at0m1c Posted June 15, 2004 Share Posted June 15, 2004 That Malaysian guy? Hahahaha.... You must be referring to the ex-prime minister of Malaysia, Mahatiar Mohammed. Here in Singapore we call him the Mad Man... With him in charge, we are constantly under the danger of war from him... You know what he said? 'Now that i'm not the prime minister anymore, I can talk nonsense!' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winchester Posted June 15, 2004 Share Posted June 15, 2004 The Holy See spends quite a bit of energy offending the UN as well. The Pope can of course make bad political decisions. Liberal groups fight to have the Holy See removed as an observer. Sometimes I think the Pope's a little too nice, but I also read his mean documents, and he can be quite harsh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Budge Posted June 15, 2004 Author Share Posted June 15, 2004 Why follow a pastor that cant get his politics right? I agree about the ex-Malaysian Prime minister. He hates Jews and Im sure most of the UN cheered for him as it is also an anti-semitic organization. As for the Pope OFFENDING the UN? There are constant speeches and such of accolades for the UN. The Catholic church has even given Path of Peace awards to Kofi Annan. Abortion is used as a smokescreen--(Im prolife but they are using it for their own agenda) The Catholic church promotes a gay rights, abortion-death culture organization and makes excuses for it. [url="http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=43903"]http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=43903[/url] [quote]This desire for an institution where moral principles can guide international affairs provides a second major clue to understanding why John Paul II and other Vatican figures support the United Nations.[/quote] IF the Pope and Vatican's discernment in regards to world politics are so bad...ever read what Mueller and other biggies of the United Nations believe spiritually--why trust them in anything. I consider their support of the United nations and world government to be against MORALS in general. The Pope should have a clue that when power is put in the hands of fewest people it is abused.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Budge Posted June 15, 2004 Author Share Posted June 15, 2004 No one has dealt with the UNESCO writing about the divinity of man being sought. It is the ignored elephant in the room of this thread. UNESCO is major group that is PART OF UN. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aloysius Posted June 15, 2004 Share Posted June 15, 2004 perhaps one should be Paul to JPII's Peter on this instance, but the reasoning for his support of the UN is certainly not gay rights or abortion (EVERYONE knows he's against that!) but he supports it in spite of those things because he believes in the general idea. i myself do not necessarily aggree, but i can tell you probably why: he doesn't wanna see situations get bad again. HE LIVED IN POLAND through the Nazis and through the Communists, through wars and all that, he believes in having an organization to protect the peace: which is the general principle of the UN. Now, the UN does some quite dastardly things nowadays and JPII is most certainly against them, he supports it in spite of those things hoping for it to be a force in the world for peace. PAX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crusader_4 Posted June 16, 2004 Share Posted June 16, 2004 budge check out this site www.c-fam.org its a CAtholic lobby group that gives you a good idea of how Catholics feel about the UN we believe great good can be achieved by it the link above was the group that blue the whistle on UNICEF funding abortions and UNFPA and other stuff worth checking out. The president is Austine Ruse who is a staunch prolife person. Check it out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phatcatholic Posted June 16, 2004 Share Posted June 16, 2004 budge, i don't have time now to read all the documents you provided in your original post (i will read them later though!). but, it would appear to me that the pope supports the UN not b/c of the immoral things that they do, but b/c of the potential that the group has to do good, b/c of what the UN was meant to achieve: Peace among the nations of the world. although the UN may seem at times to have abandoned this goal, JPII has not and i see him as working diligently w/ the UN to achieve its intended, more noble purposes. however, you seem to declare JPII guilty by association, which is never a fair tactic. an objective look at why anyone associates themselves w/ a particular group helps determine the true guilt of the person. i hope this helps........pax christi, phatcatholic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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