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All Good comes from God

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Satan can or can't do Good, why and why not?





P.s. Actually my apologise at my kind of shock jock title and question kind of not going together, perhaps the title should have said Does all good come from God?

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He can do good, in the sense that God can do good through him, but he wills not good and thus would not do good out of his own intent.  

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

He can do good, in the sense that God can do good through him, but he wills not good and thus would not do good out of his own intent.  

So God can remove satans free will and force him to do Good?

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No - God does not remove the devil's free will, but from the devil's own actions, although the devil wills evil, God can arrange for a good outcome.   


if you are interested read De Casu Diaboli by St Anselm of Canteburrry. Very precise explanations contained therein. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I understand that God can deliver us from evil. Many people say the verse that says that the devil can appear as an angel of false light means that satan can do good to trick people into a bad outcome. Does anyone here believe that? 

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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I understand that God can deliver us from evil. Many people say the verse that says that the devil can appear as an angel of false light means that satan can do good to trick people into a bad outcome. Does anyone here believe that? 

I believe thatthat is possible however the final word belongs to God and the is good - such is His promise.  

although the devil may trick us to an evil outcome from our actions, our salvation depends on ourselves and cannot de directly affected by the devil

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I thought salvation depended holy on God. And also my belief personally, and i don't know if i'm correct is that all good comes from God and that the devil is the father of lies and can not do good, and my discernment of that passage is how satan can dress up a sin in our minds to look pretty and good but of course it is a lie. But again i don't know if i'm correct just seeing what other people believe.

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Man cannot save himself - it takes God's hand to bring us home. In that sense, salvation is purely God's own.  

But man has free will and with this will he can choose either evil or good and thus has a part in his destiny.  


Hope that helps?

Any theologian who wants to jump in is welcomed - I might be in error in my understanding as well.  

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Nihil Obstat

Augustine I think. It may or may not also be a traditional Collect, but I cannot determine that right now.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

salvation is totaly dependent on god true. Does this fact proove that all good comes from God if only salvation is good and that which can save, everything else is part of the wide and crooked path to destruction and therefore the devils will.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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