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Mary Part 2


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in reply to my last question the answer of [quote]Jesus Christ's conception was supernatural and a miracle; however, He received 100% of His physically genetic material from the Blessed Virgin. Hope this helps.[/quote]
was given. now my rememberance of biology isnt so great, but wouldnt that make Jesus a clone of Mary? or, assuming that the genetic info was from an egg, it would make Him really a "her". being that a female can only give the X chromasome. males need the X and y ones (females have XX). it is rare, but a guy can have a XX pair... would that be the case if all the genes came from Mary? was Jesus a rare XX male? or did God suply a Y? that, however would mean that only 50% came from Mary. well, i think i have missunderstood something. atleast my biology teach would be proud! haha. thansk for any clarification :)

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  • 2 months later...

There are no doctrinal statements regarding the specifics of Christ's conception on the biological level (at least as far as I know, LOL).
I do not think that this issue is a part of Divine Revelation and therefore we cannot really know with certainty exactly what took place during this conception. However I am aware of certain speculations which suggest that God fertilized the egg with St. Joseph's genetic material. However I don't believe there is any doctrinal foundation for such assertions, it is pure speculation. What we do know for certain is that Christ truly took humanity from the Virgin Mary. How God worked this out on the level of chromosones and all of that is not important enough to have been revealed apparently. It was miraculous in any case.

God bless you.

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