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He is Risen!

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He is Risen!

I have a profile set up on Catholic Match and I tried to indicate on there that my liturgical preference is the Latin Mass so I selected TLM.  I've noticed that all of my "hits" have been SSPXers and I'm NOT interested in that at all.  There is also an option to select Latin Novos Ordo, but that's not quite right either, my parish is run by the Priestly Faternity of St. Peter (FSSP).  Did I select the wrong thing off the menu?  Do most people take TLM to mean SSPX?

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Credo in Deum

They probably do think that.  Regardless, if there is an 'about me' section, then mention your preferences in that area.  This should help you when it comes to SSPXers. Let's also not forget the possibility of an SSPXer leaving their parish and joining an FSSP parish.  I've seen many at my FSSP parish who used to be SSPXers. 


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 I am still totally confused on what FSSP is,  what SSPX is, are they apart of the Catholic Church or not, what the big deal is. well you defined the FSSP ( I think ) though if it Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, i would think it would be PFSP .... * shrugs *  then the Latin Novos Ordo ( i don't any latin so no clue what that is ) i know the Church has the Latin mass an that is about it....


Catholic Match though, should have settings for all of that.... what they take it to mean, they should know what it all means when putting it down, why you are getting different from what you want , who knows.

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Credo in Deum

 I am still totally confused on what FSSP is,  what SSPX is, are they apart of the Catholic Church or not, what the big deal is. well you defined the FSSP ( I think ) though if it Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, i would think it would be PFSP .... * shrugs *  then the Latin Novos Ordo ( i don't any latin so no clue what that is ) i know the Church has the Latin mass an that is about it....


Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri.

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Write "I LOVE VATICAN II!!!!!" somewhere in all caps in your profile.

Put a good picture of Pope Francis on your profile. 

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Didn't there use to be a list of all the phatcouples? 

He is Risen - this might be location specific :think:.  As an EF-attender, if I saw TLM in someone's profile, I'd probably given the benefit of the doubt and think they were a 'regularized-situation' attendee.  If I were not, I might assume that you were an SSPXer, particularly if I were from a place that the EF was only offered by the SSPX.  Or, maybe the SSPXers are just really excited, because as it is, the trad dating pool is rather small. 

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Credo in Deum

I personally would still give an SSPXer a chance.  Strong traditional Catholic women...




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I'd just put in there somewhere that it doesn't mean you support the SSPX.  (Not sure where CM may give you that option.)  I have the same issue over on Ave Maria Singles, where a lot of the women whose profiles express a love for the TLM also mark "I do not accept the authority of the Pope" or outright state in their "About Me" that they're a Sedevacantist.  

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Nihil Obstat

Better yet, have Pope Francis as your profile picture. 

That would turn away a lot of FSSP-preferring Catholics too. :|

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That would turn away a lot of FSSP-preferring Catholics too. :|

Look deep into my profile picture's eyes and ask yourself if I care. 


Edited by veritasluxmea
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